Thanks to "BAILEY38" for bringing this to my attention :-)

"Perfect Murder, Perfect Town," by Lawrence Schiller - Page 487-488

"At the end of March (1998), Donald Foster, the Vassar linguistics expert, delivered his written report to the Boulder police. It was almost a hundred pages long and concluded that Patsy Ramsey had written the ransom note. It was key evidence, Beckner told DeMuth. He went on to explain how Foster had come to his conclusion. DeMuth pointed out that it would not be admissible in Colorado court." " 'My guys think you're an asshole,' Beckner said to him, 'but we're going to need an asshole to fight for us.' He asked DeMuth to persuade Hofstrom and Hunter to use Foster's report and conclusions as evidence before the grand jury. DeMuth remained neutral; he agreed only to discuss Foster's findings with his colleagues. Later that afternoon, Hunter, Hofstrom and DeMuth met. They decided to draft a letter to Beckner stating that the DA's office could not accept Foster's conclusions as evidence of Patsy Ramsey's culpability."

"In taking this hard line, it was likely that Hunter was buying time until his grand jury expert came onboard. Only then, and with the complete case file in hand, could the DA's office decide conclusively which pieces of the puzzle would be presented."

"Not long afterward, Hunter's staff reviewed Foster's report and the documents he had based his conclusions on. They discovered that many of the writing samples he had used had been taken from the family's computer. However, the document files from the computer had been obtained under a search warrant that didn't extend to their use for linguistic analysis. The search warrant granted the police the right to search the hard drive and floppy discs only for child pornography downloaded from the Internet - which at the time they believed was relevant to the case. They had not requested the right to search text files to use for a comparison to the ransom note."

"Hofstrom and some other deputies thought that under the circumstances, which pointed to in admissibility in court, the professor's report and conclusions should not be presented to the grand jury."