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April 1, 1997 Private IRC chat Spencer and Jameson |
This chat log was copied "as is" the way Spencer posted it on the Boulder News Forum on March 1, 1998.
Subject: Here it is Name: Spencer Time/Date: 18:40:42 3/01/98 Message:
"For 11 months I have not printed this on any forum. But Jameson, you are the one who wants to tell your side of the story today, so I will let people judge for themselves. This is word for word exactly what was said that day. Nothing has been altered. Make your own determination if this is someone you would trust."
"Session Start: Tue Apr 01 18:49:44 1997 DCC Chat session"
"DCC session closed Session Start: Tue Apr 01 19:48:36 1997 DCC Chat session
"It ended the way it did, abruptly, because I got a phone call which disconnected me. "
Session Start: Tue Apr 01 18:49:44 1997 DCC Chat session - Client: jameson ( -
Acknowledging chat request... DCC Chat connection established -
(*****) Hi
(jameson) hi - can we talk
(*****) sure
(*****) I was just typing you another answer
(jameson) can you keep this completely to yourself?
(*****) yes... you know I am not a blabber mouth
(jameson) I mean swear it?
(*****) Okay, I swear!
(*****) it must be big
(jameson) I am a female - a victim who has been pregnant 15 times and had 3 kids
(*****) are you telling the truth
(jameson) because of the severe damage done to me
(*****) are you telling the truth?
(*****) Jameson, I am crying
(jameson) I have been shot at, tied down and covered with snakes
(*****) you're a woman?
(jameson) Yes
(*****) you're not a man
(jameson) want to call me and check?
(*****) sure
(jameson) 1 (I deleted the phone number)
(*****) thanks
(jameson) my name is Sue
(*****) Are you Sue Bennett?
(jameson) calling?
(*****) in a bit
(jameson) yes
(*****) you are!
(*****) Is your husband Jim?
(jameson) yes
(*****) are you related to the R's?
(*****) or is that a lie, too
(jameson) I left home at 14
(*****) wow
(jameson) not related to the R's
(*****) that was all true... except you are a man
(jameson) not working for anyone
(*****) I never thought you were!
(*****) I can't believe it... I just believed you were a man
(jameson) everything true but I am female and would like that kept my business
(*****) bless your heart
(*****) I will
(jameson) My father died when I was 13
(*****) Jameson, why do you dislike Marilyn so
(*****) Oh
(jameson) An older brother escaped by joining the army
(jameson) My other brother is a sexual predator - a pedophile
(*****) you had said that once before...
(*****) about your brother incesting your nieces, I think
(jameson) He abused me verbally, mentally, physically
(*****) just like my dad
(*****) sexuallY?
(jameson) My father died and in less than a year my brother was killed in Viet Nam
(*****) wow
(jameson) His name is on the WALl though I have never been able to face seeing it
(*****) I'm so sorry
(*****) did your brother incest you?
(jameson) My other brother kept coming around
(jameson) I stabbed another would be rapist - a friend's father
(jameson) I married at 17
(*****) do you have a good marriage? I always thought you did.
(jameson) and my mother said if I couldn't have the brother over for holidays she didn't want
to be bothered
(jameson) So I left
(jameson) And he raped my sister's kids - she called me a liar
(jameson) I have the best marriage
(*****) I'm so glad!
(jameson) My family is not welcome here - never seen the kids
(*****) It always sounded like you did; of course, I thought you were the husband!
(*****) I'm glad they haven't been in your home!
(jameson) A sister died after years of torment - a true victim
(jameson) I decided that would never be me and I left
(jameson) Made a life
(*****) I feel very humble that you shared this with me.
(jameson) I have been attacked as a person, a parent
(*****) So they really did find out who you were...kinda... no wonder you got so upset a month or so ago
(jameson) People have been VERY cruel
(*****) in life, or on the threads or mirc?
(jameson) Here - no one knows in real life
(jameson) well, very few
(*****) Jams, you got me so upset last night... you hit my hot button. I was so angry. I know
it's my old stuff, and I have been thinking about it all day.
(jameson) I was hot too - I want the real killer KILLED!
(*****) I have been trying to figure out what I need to learn from it.
(jameson) But I honestly don't think it was the Ramseys
(*****) Because something about what you said hit something in me.
(*****) I am vascillating a lot bout it
(jameson) I bet 99% of us here are survivors
(*****) I neverthought it was PR
(*****) Yes, I agree!
(jameson) I have problems even now, certain words make me shake
(*****) Thanks so much for sharing with me. I truly appreciate it.
(jameson) Certain phrases
(*****) yes, I'm that way too. Suffocate is one! I stop breathing when I hear it
(*****) start gasping for air
(jameson) You know kissing sounds - repeated? I nearly pass out then
(*****) me too!
(*****) YES!!
(jameson) My kids know - they had to for their own safety
(*****) Of course
(jameson) My brother could easily target them
(*****) you can't hide something that big from kids... or shouldn't
(jameson) that is why I was upset at the info here
(*****) does he know where you live?
(jameson) Could - very, very smart, could track me
(*****) did you ever have any therapy for your incest?
(jameson) Oh, and while I am at it, I was the Justice of the Peace in Dalton, Mass. from
(*****) That's the other missing piece!
(jameson) married over a hundred couples
(*****) wow!
(*****) But you really do have a good husband, and a good family?
(jameson) was at the courthouse a lot.
(*****) I'm sure!
(jameson) Yes, I really do
(*****) I'mm so glad
(*****) Well, let's kiss and make up!
(jameson) He was my best friend since 7th grade
(*****) how wonderful!
(jameson) I want to tell you - I have not lied
(*****) I am so blown away by all this
(*****) I never thought you lied... NEVER
(*****) I also don't think you wear more than one hat
(jameson) But I DO understand, I just think we all have baggage and have to choose if we
want to be a victim forever or get over it
(*****) I am not one of those idiots on the threads
(jameson) I don't wear more than one hat - if I did I wouldn't get half the heat I do
DCC Session Closed
Comments 1998-03-01 (--) Jameson (BNF): "This most certainy HAS been edited - and plenty!" 1998-03-01 (--) Denver (BNF): "Why don't you post your copy then" 1998-03-01 (--) Denver (BNF): "Let us see where the editing took place" 1998-03-01 (--) Ruthee (BNF): "Jams: Pleas post the Unedited version. That's only fair to you" 1998-03-01 (--) Denver (BNF): "Well, jammy...still waiting on the unedited version" 1998-03-01 (--) Jameson (BNF): "I have no intention of posting any logs. Not my style" 1998-03-01 (--) Jameson (BNF): "That conversation took place 11 months ago" 1998-03-01 (--) Jameson (BNF): "You posted your version" |
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