"Boulder Trip Report"
"Boulder Trip Report"
Posted by secret on 08:50:18 9/06/99
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Part I-
The Boulderado sux. It's way overrated. Tracey is kind to kildet but he can be frustrating and annoying. He is always late and will undoubtedly be late for his own funeral. He does not want to hear about the fact that Jams was duplicitous in her dealings with Foster.
He did show me some documents about two real sick puppies in Boulder. I admit they should be looked into, but I seriously doubt that either of those two sick puppies were in the hell hole that night.
I met some of MT's drinking buddies. Some of them are firm believers in the Ramsey's guilt and they think MT is blind to the facts.
I sat at the table where Jams had her altercation with Julia (Lee Hill's girlfriend). Julia is Asian, and Jams made some totally insensitive remark about her (Jams') brother in law bringing home a Korean war bride, and things went down hill from there.
MT talked to Lee Hill last night and somehow Lee Hill knew who I was and that I was here.
MT took me and kidlet hiking near Brainerd lake. It is very beautifl here, but kidlet got altitude sickness and threw up on the trail.
MT gamely carried her until she felt better.
Boulderites are pretentious, self righteous and the entire place is self-conscious, except for a few people. MT is not any of the above, but he is arrogant, always late and sometimes irritating. Oh, one mroe thing. Kidlet told MT that he needs to trim his nose hairs, and she is 100% correct. I was ROFL when kidlet said that. MT laughed and admits he needs to trim his nose hairs. If kidlet notices them, they are too long. I will post more when I get home. I can't speak freely because MT is looking over my shoulder as I type this.
Part II- (from my home)
I can't say much about the two sickos. A report was filed with Hunter and I don't know what happened from there. They raised suspicions based on their lifestyle and some writings that were suggestive of torture of small children. I am NOT talking about the McReynolds here, although MT insists they have no alibi for the night of the murder.
I noticed lots of little girls with dyed blonde hair in Boulder. I never really noticed this on previous trips.
Pasta Jay's food uses too much garlic. Also, he is violating Disney's copyright by using an un authorized depiction of Winnie the Pooh on the Pasta Jay's kid's menu. Shall we report him to Disney?
Kidlet is 7. Part of the reason for my trip was to meet with MT, part was to see old friends in Boulder, show kidlet the mountains, etc. Didn't meet Shapiro. MT says Shapiro is afraid of me and that he (Shapiro) seriously thinks I am a tabloid spy. ROFL... MT knows this is not true. MT and I discovered a couple of months ago that we have a very close mutual friend whom we both trust implicitly, someone completely unrelated to this case, so through that connection, MT and I came to establish a trust.
One of MT's friends told me not to trust Shapiro, that he will not look you in the eye when he speaks to you, etc. Tracey plans to use Shapiro in upcoming non-Ramsey projects, although some people, including myself, think this is a bad idea. MT and Mills are planning some documentaries on subjects such as pediatric aids treatment, the conditions of women's prisons in the U.S. and the prevalence of sexual assault by guards, "mothers who kill" etc.
Personally, I think that Shapiro will be subpeaoned at some point in the investigation into the leaks surrounding this case, and I cannot discount the serious risk that Shapiro could end up indicted as well. I told MT it was my opinion that he should sever ties with Jeff, and MT admits he has concerns about Shapiro getting indicted, but MT feels a paternal responsiblity to Jeff becauase MT encouraged Jeff to blow the whistle on the Globe.
MT was pretty good natured about kidlet's nose hair remark. MT does not smell, and he is otherwise clean shaven, so I don't think the rest of his hygiene is that bad. He told kidlet that in England, nose hairs were a sign of great prestige. Kidlet wasn't buying it. Actually, kidlet liked MT a lot. She called him "Prefessor Mike" and wanted to ride on his shoulders all over the zoo. I will say this for MT - he is a good father from what I could see and kind to all kidlets, if a bit of a pontificator about the importance on homework and school.
MT is going to do a full explanation of the croc, how it was financed, etc., and send it to me to post in response to the many questions people have had about this. MT will listen to criticism of the croc itself, but he gets really mad when people imply that it was financed by the Rams or anything like that. He is indignant not just with respect to his own rep, but even more so toward David Mills. He insists that David Mills, who is a highly respected and very successful doc producer in the U.K., would never do ANYTHING lacking in professional integrity. FWIW, I believe him.
I heard from a friend of Tracey's - and this expressly did not come from Tracey - that the reason the timeline went down was because Jams was threatened with legal action by none other than Fleet White. I am sure Jams will deny this, but the timing fits. Maybe that is why Jams went so ballistic over my posting of the uneditted Singular chat.
One poster whom I will not reveal - she can do that herself if she chooses - sent me a message about something Jams did recently. I was asked to tell MT about it, and I did. MT was going to speak to jams about this and some other incidents. MT's position is that no matter how nutso Jams can be proved to be, the Foster story holds water. The Foster thing was explained to me in great detail, and although I still disagree with some of the conclusions that MT and others drew from Foster's correspondence with Jams, the real point is that we have not heard from Foster on this. I will reserve judgment until we hear from Foster, and I hope we do! My point to MT was that Jams was expressly duplicitous in her correspondence to Foster and her posts on the forums early in this case. Frankly, MT didn't want to hear it. He says it doesn't matter if Jams had an AOL profile where she was a man because if Foster was so good, he should have seen through it. I asked MT if his opinion would change if it indeed were the case that a college aged man, either Jam's son or someone else, had been psoting using the Jameson hat. MT didn't acknowledge that possibility, which was irritating from my standpoint.
I spoke with several cab drivers about the "party" story that Matthews floated. None of them knew anything about a party that night and none of them had been questioned about it.
On my last night there, kidlet and I had dinner at Pasta Jay's and were strolling the Pearl Street Mall. Kidlet loved the zip code man, and she enjoyed playing on all the little zoo animal statues and climbing rocks, going into the various stores, watching the street perforamnces. etc. But an odd thing happened...
I do not consider myself a psychic in any way, but just as dusk fell, I started to get a really bad vibe about Boulder. I can't really explain it, except that I felt something rising in my throat, and I had a curious compulsion to get the kidlet the hell out of there. She wanted to stay longer, but I insisted that we leave and go back to the hotel. The poster I spoke to on the phone that night says that all mothers have an intuitive sense of danger. Maybe that is true, because I felt something creepy about Boulder.
In short, I came back with more questions than answers. At this point, I am really throwing up my hands and admitting I have no idea what the hell happened that night.
8. "maikal"
Posted by secret on 18:12:34 9/06/99
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I don't know what triggered the creepy feeling.
The Boulderado was not up to snuff service wise. Some of the rooms are very dingy as opposed to "having character." We moved out of the first suite I had because it was next to the elevator shaft, which precluded getting any sleep! The elevator was the old fashioned, hand operated kind and quite loud, although kidlet enjoyed "driving" the elevator. I was given a suite in the newer wing, which was utterly lacking in charm and may as well have been a Marriott. The manager showed me three suites the next morning and I chose a sunnier suite with a view of the flatirons. None of the refrigerators in any of the rooms I was shown were working. The staff lacked some of the most basic skills expected of a fine hotel staff, such as the ability to answer questions regarding directions, attractions, restuarant recommendations, etc. There were no phone books in the rooms, which required guests to pay the eighty-five sent charge for local calls just to get local phone number info. Some people may think this smacks of a certain diva-ness, but I travel quite frequently, I know what to expect from full service five star hotels, and when I'm paying full price for a suite at the premire hotel in city, I expect and demand a certain level of service. I called down for room service on the first morning and was told it would take FORTY MINUTES to get coffee and juice sent up!
FWIW, Mike Tracey thought it was funny when I told him about my complaints. He told all his friends about how I called down to the front desk to request an unpacking service, which they did not have, and how kidlet complained that there was no jacuzzi. He had never heard of an unpacking service and could not believe that kidlet turned her nose up at a suite because it lacked a jacuzzi. He also got a kick out of the fact that kidlet announced that she had "driven" the elevator at the Ritz Carlton in Boston. Everytime we got onto the old fashioned elevator, the operator stepped aside and let kidlet "drive." MT told me I was the quintessential "successful East coast chick" but he said he had to admit - being aggressive and demanding worked. I was given the nicest suite and the manager sent me a handwritten note apologizing for the inconvenience and a box of chocolates and a toy for kidlet. I did not appreciate being called a "chick" but I let MT get away with that one, LOL. You have to choose your battles carefully.
Re: the hair. I could see roots on the girls. It was weird. There were lots of girls who looked a lot like JBR. Made me think maybe there is something to Singular's theory...
9. "More report"
Posted by secret on 18:26:28 9/06/99
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John Ramsey was given the US franchise for Jaleo but lost it when he failed to raise the necessary capital to meet the company's expansion plans. MT made a point of saying how awful this was for JR - an innocent man whose business interests have suffered because of the tabloids because no one from the NYC investment houses or the venture (vulture) capitalists would invest in a company where the key man was hounded by the tabs and and under possibility of indictment. The Stines are still living in the Atlanta area despite Jaleo kicking everyone out. I don't know what JR or Glenn Stine are doing now.
13. "maikal"
Posted by secret on 08:45:11 9/07/99
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It's still my gut feeling that there was Ramsey involvement, but my point is that after nearly three years, I simply cannot say for sure who did it. NOBODY CAN. That's the whole problem.
BTW, fine hotels usually have someone to send up if you request it to unpack for you, press or steam your clothes and hang them, etc. Sometimes you don't have time to do it yourself or you want to rest after a long flight. A little pampering on the road is nice. I don't throw my clothes around, not even my underwear. I need to wear expensive suits for business and I take good care of them as I consider them investments. Further, a good bra retails for about $30 these days, so I take care of my underthings too!
Sky - the Rams were asked whether they suspected each other, which was pretty bold, IMO. Tracey feels very strongly, however, that he should not attempt to 'sleuth'.
15. "Burke"
Posted by secret on 13:27:41 9/07/99
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So far as I know, Tracey and Mills did not ask that Burke appear. Tracey would not involve a kidlet in anything that public. Trust me on this one - despite everything else about him, Tracey is a good man when it comes to kidlets. He did meet Burke, briefly. He said Burke was a just a kid playing with his trucks on the floor.
30. "bleached hair was definite yes"
Posted by secret on 10:02:21 9/12/99
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Shortly after the murder, I had occasion to speak to some Boulerites at the Houston Marathon (January, 1997.) The wife of the head of the Bolder Boulder had SEEN Patsy having JBR's hair foil lightened. My acquaintance's wife also frequents that hair salon. These are not rumors. Many people saw JBR at the salon having her hair lightened with regularity. Anyone who disputes this is in denial.