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A Personal view of the Internet Subculture Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case |
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The 48 Hours Transcript Thief October 7, 2002 9:26pm DST |
Documenting a LIE, a THEFT and ALTERING |
On Friday evening October 4th, Saturday October 5th and Sunday October 6, 2002, I collectively spent 12 hours transcribing (typing from a video taped recording) the October 4, 2002 television show; CBS 48 Hours Investigates, a show about JonBenet Ramsey's parents. The purpose of the transcript was to provide the Internet forum community with a written copy of the show especially for those who did not received the show in their area (over seas) and for those who missed the broadcast. I was willing to share my transcript with everybody but one Internet person decided to steal the transcript I posted on the Internet forums and then she proceeded to maliciously pretend that transcript belonged to her by ALTERING it in attempt to remove any identification that the trancript actually belonged me. I finally finished the transcript shortly after midnight on Monday October 7, 2002 and uploaded the file I created to my domain at 48 Hour Transcript and I then proceeded to post that web address location link on October 7, 2002 at 12:38am on four of the Internet forums where I am a member, respectively; ACandyRose II Subculture Forum; Websleuths Relief Forum; Purgatory Forum and Forum For Justice Forum The next morning, Monday October 7, 2002 at 9:55am I noticed that a short section of my transcript had been copied off my web site and reposted at Jameson's Webbsleuths Forum under the thread title of "Oliva on the program" by the poster known as "jameson" but she did include at the bottom of the short section posted, the words (Credit to ACR for the work of transcribing this.). Although I had clearly stated on my web site that the transcript was not to be posted to any of the Internet forums I was willing to overlook that this short section was copied. Just short of twelve hours later on October 7, 2002 at 9:26pm the poster known as "jameson" posted five separate threads on her forum titled, "48 Hours Transcript - part1"; "Transcript part 2 - the Interrogation"; "Transcript part 3 - The Detectives"; "Transcript part 4 - scene of the crime"; "Transcript Part 5 - Face In the Crowd" that clearly showed the transcript posted on all five sections as a doctored up version of my personal transcript. Although I did not want my transcript to be posted directly on the Internet forums, again I was willing to overlook that as long as the transcript was identified as belonging to me. I then sent Jameson an e-mail on Monday October 7, 2002 at 11:20pm asking her to edit her posts and include my 48 Hour Transcript web address URL as part of the transcripts. My e-mail dated Monday, October 7, 2002 11:20pm to Jameson is below: AOL e-mail receipt October 7, 2002 11:47pm ************************************** Subj: My 48hr transcript Date: 10/7/2002 11:20:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: ACandyRose@aol.com To: Jameson245@aol.com Jameson, I spent 12 hours on Sunday typing every single word of that 48 hrs transcript just so the Internet community who didn't see the show could read it. This is NOT an official CBS Transcript but one I did that includes personal commets by me in addition to the actual text from the show. I posted it on my web site and clearly marked that it was not to be copied to the forums. Have the decency to give me credit by including the URL link on my web site for the transcript on each and every thread you copied it to. The link to be included is located at: http://www.acandyrose.com/10042002-48hrs.htm You have copied my personal transcript on the following posts: 48 Hours Transcript - part1 http://www.webbsleuths.com/dcf/jbr/290.html Transcript part 2 - the Interrogation http://www.webbsleuths.com/dcf/jbr/291.html Transcript part 3 - The Detectives http://www.webbsleuths.com/dcf/jbr/292.html Transcript part 4 - scene of the crime http://www.webbsleuths.com/dcf/jbr/293.html Transcript Part 5 - Face In the Crowd http://www.webbsleuths.com/dcf/jbr/294.html Thank you ACandyRose ************************************** One would have thought that would have been sufficient and that Jameson would have just made the edit notations to include the web address URL I requested. Instead she answered my e-mail at October 7, 2002 at 11:49pm and proceeded to lie to me that the transcript she posted was not mine. I knew that was a lie as there were destinctive entries that matched my personal transcript. ************************************** Quote from Jameson's e-mail dated Monday October 7, 2002 11:49pm "Pay attention to the transcripts I posted just now. They are not yours - - they are mine and I am sure there ARE differences. I did post a bit of one of yours before I did mine - - what Oliva said, and I did give you credit there." ************************************** Oh sure she gave me credit for the short section of my transcript copied and she posted on her forum earlier that morning on October 7th but then proceeded to STEAL the remaining transcript and she didn't just STEAL it but she actually ALTERED it to make others think it was her own transcript. On Tuesday October 8, 2002 shortly after midnight at I send another e-mail to Jameson. ************************************** Subj: Re: My 48hr transcript Date: 10/8/2002 12:00:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: ACandyRose@aol.com To: Jameson245@aol.com In a message dated 10/7/2002 11:49:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Jameson245 writes: << Pay attention to the transcripts I posted just now. They are not yours - - they are mine and I am sure there ARE differences. >> Jameson, the transcripts you have posted on your forum were COPIED from my web site. There are "personal comments" I have that are typed all throughout the transcripts that were put there by ME, not YOU. All you did was take my personal transcript and add your own title. Would it have been so bad to just give the person credit who does something? You can't take somebody else work and just pretend it belongs to you. I am willing to share but I want credit for my hard work. ACandyRose ************************************** After she STOLE my personal transcript then she proceeded to LIE about it acting as though she played her tape of the show and transcribed the show text and now references MY transcript as HER transcript. On Tuesday, October 8, 2002 Jameson returned an e-mail back to me. ************************************** Quote from Jameson's e-mail dated Tuesday, October 8, 2002 8:33am "Please point out these "personal comments". Last night I played the tape one last time and finished MY transcripts and I am unaware of any "personal comments" except two of my own - - one stating that there was an error, the pineapple was not in the stomach but the intestines, and the other saying Beckner said Oliva was NOT cleared (the day following the broadcast). Yes, I do appreciate the work you did - - and I did plenty of my own" ************************************** On October 8, 2002 at 4:15pm Jameson added yet another thread to her forum titled "48 Hours intro" that contained the beginning of my original transcript that she had left off previously. ************************************** Jameson asked me to point out these "personal comments" so I sent her another e-mail on Wednesday October 9, 2002 at 9:39pm giving her 21 examples to start with where I had proof that she copied my transcript. Out of the 21 examples I sent to Jameson as proof, the following tally total of errors "APPEARED IN BOTH MY ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT AND IN THE TRANSCRIPT THAT JAMESON POSTED ON HER FORUM and LIED and claimed she typed up herself. That is called "A THIEF" in my book. The complete examples I sent to Jameson are listed in the e-mail dated Wednesday October 9, 2002 9:39pm that I sent to her and that she received on Wednesday October 9, 2002 9:45pm. Five (5) examples of identical typing errors Four (4) examples of identical duplicate quotes Thirteen (13) examples of identical words that were "omitted" on the typed transcript Five (5) examples of identical words that were "included" but not part of the original show Three (3) examples of identical words transposed in wrong area within sentence AOL e-mail receipt October 9, 2002 9:45pm ************************************** Subj: Re: My 48Hr Transcript Date: 10/9/2002 9:39:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: ACandyRose@aol.com To: Jameson245@aol.com Jameson, You are a liar and a thief. You stole my transcript of the 48hours show period. You know, you wonder why nobody believes you, you wonder why six years later 99% of the Internet poster call you a liar, why all the old timers continue to point out your lies and then call you names. It is stuff like this Jameson, stunts that you pull to try and take credit away from somebody else on work they have done and pretend something belongs to you. You took my original transcript of the 48 Hours show and added all your cute little words and deleted some my wording and then pretended it was yours. Oh I don't doubt that you spent several hours with my transcript and the CBS 48hours show to even look for transcribing errors in the actual show but that is not all you were doing, you were trying to figure a way to doctor up MY TRANSCRIPT so nobody would know that you were a thief. How do I know you're a thief and stole my transcript? How do I know you didn't sit in front of your TV for 12 hours and transcribe that show? Because of my personal comments, my spelling errors, words I left out of quotes, words I inserted into quotes that were not suppose to be there, words I transposed, mistakes I made trying to hurry and get the transcript done so the Internet community who didn't see the should could read it. The probability of two people making those same mistakes who live in two separate parts of the country is all but impossible. Because YOU copied all of my errors, my misspellings, my mis-quotes that I typed, included all the wrong wording I inserted. I sure wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you were up to. It proves to me that you will doctor up anything just to prove you're right, no matter what it cost you. You will lie about anything to save your ass. I wasn't doing it for glory, I was doing it to help others. But you are a thief Jameson and a lying sack of chit. Period. You have no creditability Jameson, none whatsoever. You lie when the truth would have fit better. If I had even one ounce, one ounce of faith that everybody was wrong about you, I don't have any doubts that everybody is telling the truth about you. You don't care about JonBenet, you care about Jameson. You are selfish and self centered, egotistical, a liar and a thief. ACandyRose PROOF THAT YOU ARE A LIAR AND A THIEF: And this is only part of it. I have dozens of other references that show that the transcript you are trying to pass off as yours is MY transcript. If you had watched the CBS 48 hours show and transcribed the show as you claim you did then you would not have made the same errors that I did. ====================================== Isn't it amazing that both you and I just happen to make reference to the same visional program background image references at the same time within the same place within the transcript only you changed the descriptions slightly on some by adding words or removing words I typed in? ====================================== Isn't it amazing that the following quote by Alex Hunter was typed wrong by ME on MY transcript and the transcript you copied of MINE is also typed wrong? MY TRANSRIPT: Alex Hunter: "I would be concerned if any lead was not taken to fully ground." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Alex Hunter: "I would be concerned if any lead was not taken to fully ground." What is actually on the tape: "I would be concerned if any lead was not fully taken to ground." ================================= Isn't it amazing that in this quote by John Ramsey below that on the CBS 48Hours he actually says "hoppin" not "hopping" but I typed in "hopping" and you did too? MY TRANSRIPT: John Ramsey: "She was the spark plug of our family because of this zest that she had, she just kept things alive and hopping. It's not the same without her." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: John Ramsey: "She was the spark plug of our family because of this zest that she had, she just kept things alive and hopping. It's not the same without her." ================================= Isn't it amazing that I wrote this description exactly this way on MY transcript and the copy you have on your forum that you copied from MY transcript does too? MY TRANSRIPT: (Program showing background shots of John Ramsey struggling to turn a jeep around in a yard) JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: (Program showing background shots of John Ramsey struggling to turn a jeep around in a yard) " ================================= All three entries below from MY original transcript are EXACTLY the same on the transcript that was copied to Jameson's forum. MY ORIGINAL TRANSRIPT: Detective Tom Haney: (June 1998 police interrogation tape - interviewed by Haney/DeMuth) "Okay, and again...." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Detective Tom Haney: (June 1998 police interrogation tape - interviewed by Haney/DeMuth) "Okay, and again...." MY ORIGINAL TRANSRIPT: John Ramsey: (June 1998 police interrogation tape - interviewed by Smit/Kane) "She screamed my name and ....." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: John Ramsey: (June 1998 police interrogation tape - interviewed by Smit/Kane) "She screamed my name and ....." MY ORIGINAL TRANSRIPT: Patsy Ramsey: (June 1998 police interrogation tape - interviewed by Haney/DeMuth) "I didn't do it.... John Ramsey didn't do it and we didn't have a clue of anybody who did do it." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Patsy Ramsey: (June 1998 police interrogation tape - interviewed by Haney/DeMuth) "I didn't do it.... John Ramsey didn't do it and we didn't have a clue of anybody who did do it." ================================= In MY original transcript, I left out the "a" before the word "completely" in the quote below and when my transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "48 Hours Transcript", the "a" is still missing in the quote? MY ORIGINAL TRANSRIPT: Erin Moriarty: "But first the Ramey's today in a rare interview they agreed to completely unrestricted discussion of the case." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Erin Moriarty: "But first the Ramseys today. In a rare interview, they agreed to completely unrestricted discussion of the case." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "But first the Ramseys today. In a rare interview, they agreed to a completely unrestricted discussion of the case." ================================= In MY original transcript, I added the word "that" between the words "know" and "many" and the copy of my transcript on Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "48 Hours Transcript" includes that same word, "that" yet that word was not part of the original quote on the show. MY ORIGINAL TRANSRIPT: Erin Moriarty: "What is your reaction when you know that many people think that's what you did?" JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Erin Moriarty: "What is your reaction when you know that many people think that's what you did?" Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "What is your reaction when you know many people think that's what you did?" ================================= In MY original transcript, I transposed the word "been" putting it between the words "literally" and "fighting" on MY original transcript and that is EXACTLY what was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "48 Hours Transcript" when in fact the original CBS show has the quote as "Patsy has been quite literally fighting" and not "Patsy has quite literally been fighting." How is it that we both copied the same quote exactly wrong? MY TRANSRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) : "John Ramsey, once the head of a billion dollar Software Company hasn't worked for four years while Patsy has quite literally been fighting for her life." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) : "John Ramsey, once the head of a billion dollar software company hasn't worked for four years while Patsy has quite literally been fighting for her life." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "John Ramsey, once the head of a billion dollar software company hasn't worked for four years while Patsy has been quite literally fighting for her life." ================================= MY original transcript had the missing word "the" after the word "here's" and a mistype of the word "my" instead of the word "human" before the words "tears." When my transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "48 Hours Transcript", the word "the" is still missing and the word "my" is still there instead of the word "tears." The errors were copied exactly. MY TRANSRIPT: Patsy Ramsey: (Showing her paintings) "This is my self portrait (pointing to area of painting) Here's my broken heart, my tears." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Patsy Ramsey: (with her paintings) "This is my self portrait. Here's my broken heart, my tears." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "This is my self portrait. Here's the, my broken heart, human tears" ================================= MY original transcript had the missing word "fed" that belonged after the word "leaks" and the word "the" was inserted before the word "public" that didn't belong there. When my transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "48 Hours Transcript", the word "fed" is still missing and the word "the" that shouldn't be there is still there. MY TRANSRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "That strategy by some in the department claim John Ramsey included a relentless campaign of leaks that most lead to the nations tabloids that had a devastated effect on the public opinion." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "That strategy by some in the department, claims John Ramsey, included a relentless campaign of leaks, mostly to the nations tabloids, that had a devastated effect on the public opinion." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "That strategy by some in the department, claims John Ramsey, included a relentless campaign of leaks, fed mostly to the nations tabloids, that had a devastated effect on public opinion" ================================= Quote below from MY original transcript is EXACTLY the same on MY transcript that was copied to Jameson's forum with the exception of the word "smiling" removed. MY TRANSRIPT: John Ramsey: (smiling) "Well, we're not soap opera actors. I suppose if I was an actor I could act really angry but I'm not. That's who I am. It's what you see and I'm angry (slapping one fist into palm of other hand) this is angry for me." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: John Ramsey: "Well, we're not soap opera actors. I mean, I suppose if I was an actor I could act really angry, but I'm not, that's who I am. That's what you see and I'm angry (slapping one fist into palm of other hand) This is angry for me." ================================= MY original transcript had the word "because" inserted in error after the word "says" and the copy of MY transcript that was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "48 Hours Transcript", has the same error. MY TRANSRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Angry because John Ramsey says because a killer or killers remain free." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Angry because John Ramsey says because a killer or killers remain free." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours "Angry because John Ramsey says a killer or killers remain free." ================================= On MY original transcript I left off the words "who at the time" after the word "Patsy" and when MY transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "Transcript Part 2", the words "who at the time" are still missing. MY TRANSRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Detective Tom Haney questioned Patsy who was taking medication for both anxiety and depression." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Detective Tom Haney questioned Patsy who was taking medication for both anxiety and depression." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "Detective Tom Haney questioned Patsy who at the time was taking medication for both anxiety and depression." ================================= On MY original transcript I typed the word "that" instead of the word "it" and and when MY transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "Transcript Part 2", the word "that" is still part of the quote in error. MY TRANSRIPT: Detective Tom Haney (June 1998 police interrogation tape - interviewed by Haney/DeMuth) (talking to Patsy Ramsey) "How is that impossible?" JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Detective Tom Haney: "How is that impossible?" Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "How is it impossible?" ================================= On MY original transcript I missed typing the word "here" after the words "together from" and when MY transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "Transcript Part 2", the word "here" is still missing as part of that quote. MY TRANSRIPT: Patsy Ramsey: (June 1998 police interrogation tape - interviewed by Haney/DeMuth) "I don't give a flying flip how scientific it is. Go back to the damn drawing board. I didn't do it. John Ramsey didn't do it. And we didn't have a clue of anybody who did do it. So we all got to start working together from this day forward to try to find out who the hell did it." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Patsy Ramsey: "I don't give a flying flip how scientific it is. Go back to the damn drawing board. I didn't do it! John Ramsey didn't do it. And we didn't have a clue of anybody who did do it! So we all got to start working together from this day forward to try to find out who the hell did it!" ================================= On MY original transcript I missed typing the word "results" instead of the word "report" after the word "autopsy" and another typing error where I omitted the words "of pineapple" after the word "bowl" and a third typing error of the word "after" that should have been typed as the word "of" and when MY transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "Transcript Part 2", all three errors were copied exactly. MY TRANSRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "The Ramsey's told police that JonBenet had gone straight to bed that night and had not eaten at home but autopsy report did find undigested pineapple in JonBenet's stomach and police discovered fingerprints on a bowl left in the families dining room on the morning after the murder." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "The Ramseys told police that JonBenét had gone straight to bed that night and had not eaten at home but autopsy report did find undigested pineapple in JonBenét's stomach and police discovered fingerprints on a bowl left in the families dining room on the morning after the murder." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "The Ramseys told police that JonBenet had gone straight to bed that night and had not eaten at home but autopsy results did find undigested pineapple in JonBenet's stomach and police discovered fingerprints on a bowl of pineapple left in the families dining room on the morning of the murder." ================================= On MY original transcript I missed typing the words "that there's" with the word "there are" before the word "fibers" and when MY transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "Transcript Part 2", both miss spelled words were still there. MY TRANSRIPT: Bruce Levin: (Atlanta meeting taped August 29, 2000 9:34am) "Mrs. Ramsey, I have scientific evidence from forensic scientists that say there are fibers in the paint tray that match your red jacket" JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Bruce Levin: "Mrs. Ramsey, I have scientific evidence from forensic scientists that say there are fibers in the paint tray that match your red jacket." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "Mrs. Ramsey, I have scientific evidence from forensic scientists that say that there's fibers in the paint tray that match your red jacket." ================================= On MY original transcript I included the word "and" after the word "evidence" that wasn't suppose to be there and when MY transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "Transcript Part 2", the word "and" in error was still there. MY TRANSRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Patsy's attorney, Lin Wood asked prosecutors to produce the evidence and when they wouldn't he refused to let Patsy go on the record. But she did go on the record with us." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Patsy's attorney, Lin Wood asked prosecutors to produce the evidence and when they wouldn't, he refused to let Patsy go on the record. But she did go on the record with us." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "Patsy's attorney, Lin Wood asked prosecutors to produce the evidence, when they wouldn't, he refused to let Patsy go on the record. But she did go on the record with us." ================================= On MY original transcript omitted the words, "you know" right before the words, "is my son safe?" and when MY transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "Transcript Part 2", the same words were still omitted. MY TRANSRIPT: Patsy Ramsey: (June 1998 police interrogation tape - interviewed by Haney/DeMuth) "I mean I appreciate being here. I appreciate it. It's very hard to be here but it's a damn site harder sitting at home in Atlanta Georgia wondering every second what you guys are doing out here. Have you found anything? Are we any closer? Is the guy out here watching my house? Is my son safe? My life has been hell from that day forward and I want nothing more than to find out who is responsible for this." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Patsy Ramsey: (June 1998 police interrogation tape) "I mean, I appreciate being here. I appreciate it. It's very hard to be here but it's a damn sight harder sitting at home in Atlanta Georgia wondering every second of every day what you guys are doing out here. You know, have you found anything? Are we any closer? Is the guy out here watching my house? Is my son safe? My life has been hell from that day forward and I want nothing more than to find out who is responsible for this." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "I mean, I appreciate being here. I appreciate it. It's very hard to be here but it's a damn sight harder sitting at home in Atlanta Georgia wondering every second of every day what you guys are doing out here. You know, have you found anything? Are we any closer? Is the guy out here watching my house? You know, is my son safe? My life has been hell from that day forward and I want nothing more than to find out who is responsible for this." ================================= On MY original transcript I added the word "what" in error before the words "the public"and when MY transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "Transcript Part 3", the same word was there as the same error. MY TRANSRIPT: Lesley Stahl: "You have seen and hear John and Patsy's denials. You seen for the first time how they handled themselves under police interrogation. But what story does the physical evidence tell in the murder of their daughter JonBenet? According to some detectives it's a far different story than what the public has been lead to believe. Once again, here's Erin Moriarty." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Lesley Stahl: "You have seen and hear John and Patsy's denials. You seen for the first time how they handled themselves under police interrogation. But what story does the physical evidence tell in the murder of their daughter JonBenét? According to some detectives it's a far different story than what the public has been lead to believe. Once again, here's Erin Moriarty." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "You have seen and hear John and Patsy's denials. You seen for the first time how they handled themselves under police interrogation. But what story does the physical evidence tell in the murder of their daughter JonBenét? According to some detectives it's a far different story than the public has been lead to believe. Once again, here's Erin Moriarty." ================================= On MY original transcript I omitted the words, "of the recesses" and typed in error, "part of" in front of "that house" and when MY transcript was copied to Jameson's forum and labeled by her as "Transcript Part 3", the same words were omitted and replaced with my wording as the same error. MY TRANSRIPT: Lou Smit: "This murder was not conducted upstairs in a nice little bedroom. This murder was conducted in the basement and it was very vicious and during the murder somebody sexually assaulted JonBenet. This was all done in the deepest part of that house." JAMESON's COPY OF MY TRANSCRIPT: Lou Smit: "This murder was not conducted upstairs in a nice little bedroom. This murder was conducted in the basement and it was very vicious and during the murder somebody sexually assaulted JonBenét. This was all done in the deepest part of that house." Actual quote on the CBS 48hours: "This murder was not conducted upstairs in a nice little bedroom. This murder was conducted in the basement and it was very vicious and during the murder somebody sexually assaulted JonBenét. This was all done in the deepest parts of the recesses of that house." ************************************** All of the above examples listed were from only three of the five threads on Jameson's WebbSleuths forum where Jameson posted MY personal transcript that SHE ALTERED on her forum attempting to claim them as her own. |
The ACandyRose© Internet Subculture is an archive web site for documentation on the history of the JonBenet Ramsey murder case and those following the investigation of the case via the Internet. All information has been accessed from public domains and/or quotes use under the "fair use rule of copyright law." This web site is non-profit. ~~~~~~ 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 ACandyRose© |
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