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![]() Age: 2-1/2, Caylee Anthony was reported missing by her grandmother, Cindy Anthony on July 15, 2008. At that time Caylee's mother, Casey, said on the July 15, 2008 911 call that her daughter had been missing for "31 days." Date of disappearance is unknown but the math adds up to last seen as of June 15, 2008. Caylee's body was found in a trash bag on December 11, 2008 along Suburban Drive, Orlando, Florida Information Call: *Orange County Sheriff's Department 1-407-254-7000* or Crimeline at 1-800-423-8477 |
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CAYLEE ANTHONY CASE TRANSCRIPTS Cindy Anthony (Caylee's Grandmother) on Nancy Grace 08/05/2008 http://www.acandyrose.com/caylee_anthony_NancyGraceShow_CindyAnthony080508.htm |
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0808/05/ng.01.html NANCY GRACE Charges Filed Against Missing Toddler`s Mother Aired August 5, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Police desperately searching for a beautiful little 2-year-old Florida girl, Caylee, after her grandparents report her missing, little Caylee now not seen for six long weeks, last seen with her mother. So why didn`t Mommy call police? Headlines tonight. In the last hours, felony criminal charges handed down against Caylee`s mother, Casey Anthony facing hard jail time on felony child neglect and lying to investigators, investigators who are trying to find her little girl. As of this hour, the state holding off on murder charges. And even more stunning and disturbing photos emerge of mom, Casey, at a local nightclub after her little 2-year-old girl vanishes. And tonight: DNA testing reportedly completed on hair and fluid found in Casey`s car trunk. After telling us he never asked for immunity for mom, Casey, in exchange for helping police, defense attorney Baez breaks down and admits that, yes, immunity has been discussed. And does a tip lead police to a heavily wooded area at a local elementary school with cadaver dogs in the search for Caylee? (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Criminal charges just filed against Casey Anthony. The tot mom has been formally charged in connection with the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony. The 22-year-old Anthony has been charged with felony child neglect for not reporting 2-year-old Caylee missing and also has been charged with lying to investigators. The next hearing in the case has been scheduled for August 21, and Anthony faces up to six years in prison on those charges alone. While Anthony remains in jail, her mother, Cindy Anthony, chose not to meet with her own daughter this afternoon, saying she can`t discuss certain things with Anthony because the conversations are all being recorded and she fears for Caylee`s safety, this while the public anxiously awaits results of the forensic testing on Anthony`s car, set to be released this week. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Again, Casey is the key to this investigation. She knows what she did. She knows what time was the last time she saw the child, who she may have left the child with. Our concern is to find Caylee, going to be 3 years old on Saturday. That`s our concern. CINDY ANTHONY, MISSING TODDLER`S GRANDMOTHER: We`ve all made mistakes. But right now, she`s not making a mistake. She`s protecting her child. And no one can say or second-guess what you`re going to do to protect your child when you fear for their safety. I don`t fear for Casey`s safety, so I`m not out there protecting her. I`m out there protecting my grandchild because I do fear for her. Get off your (DELETED) and look for my granddaughter. I don`t care if this is on the news or what. But she`s out there. I`m going to do whatever it takes to take advantage of the media, and if it continues to drag our family through the mud and whatever, as long as Caylee`s picture is out there every day and that picture gets ingrained on everybody`s brain and they look -- as long as they don`t give up, she`s coming home. She might come home this afternoon. She may come home tomorrow. I hope she`s home by Saturday. If she`s not, you know what? I`m not giving up just because her birthday`s Saturday. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us tonight. Police desperately searching for a beautiful 2-year-old Florida girl, Caylee, now not seen for six long weeks. In the last hours, felony criminal charges handed down against Caylee`s mom. And even more stunning and disturbing photos emerge of mom, Casey, at a local nightclub after her little girl vanishes, all the while, DNA testing reportedly complete on hair and fluid found in mom, Casey`s, car trunk. **SNIP** (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CINDY ANTHONY: If they had something to charge her, why wouldn`t they do it today, with everything else? So I mean, hello? That`s -- we`ve known this all along. Why else did they go and handcuff her and put her in jail? Because they feel that she -- she needs to be there. And again, once Caylee is found, everybody`s going to know that she doesn`t need to be there. She doesn`t belong there, and she doesn`t deserve what everybody`s doing to her. No one knows everything. I don`t know 100 percent, but I sure as heck know a lot more, but I can`t say a lot of things. Today is actually very hopeful day. You know, I just found out that, you know, they did charge her formally today, which actually is a good thing because look what they charged her with. They didn`t charge her with anything but with, you know, voluntary child neglect and withholding evidence. If they had anything concrete on her, I think they would have used that today. Today was the last day that they had an opportunity to do so. That is in essence, a victory for us. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: Casey`s mother, stating that a felony indictment, felony charge against her daughter -- pictured here partying after her little girl goes missing, that`s her the night of the "hot body" contest, photos that emerged yesterday and today of mom, Casey -- she finds these charges a victory? **SNIP** GRACE: Joining me right now is a very special guest, joining us by phone is Cindy Anthony. Thank you for being with us. ANTHONY: Hey, Nancy. I`m only here because of Holly. GRACE: I understand. Tell us -- I can see when you are speaking on camera how much it hurt you not to go to that visitation today. Why didn`t. ANTHONY: Absolutely. Absolutely. GRACE: Why didn`t you go to the jail? ANTHONY: I didn`t go to the jail because I`m protecting Caylee`s well-being. And that is. GRACE: Can you explain to us how -- not go -- how -- and I understand you think you`re going to be overheard and it`s going to be released to the media. Understood and agree. ANTHONY: I`m not -- I don`t think I`m going to be overheard, Nance. It`s a fact that they tape everything. GRACE: It will be. ANTHONY: Exactly. GRACE: It will be. ANTHONY: And they. GRACE: But why is it that what she may say about the search for Caylee would hurt Caylee? ANTHONY: Well, again, the people that have her -- the whole reason Casey is behind bars is because she`s protecting Caylee`s safety. And I cannot say that enough. Unfortunately, you know, I can`t say things that`s going to jeopardize what we`re doing looking for this child. And I refuse to do so. And I`m not going to waste my time worrying about justifying pictures that you`re showing on your show every night that are two and three years old. I do want to address. GRACE: Well, what about the ones that are five days after Caylee went missing? The one I just showed. ANTHONY: Well, one of the local reporters, Nancy -- one of the local reporters verified with a Fusion employee that that was taken on June 13th, which was prior to Caylee`s disappearance. GRACE: Well, before you go any further. ANTHONY: The reason I called. GRACE: . the photographer that took those photos has given us the date of five days after Caylee went missing, which was the 15th. I know that you guys saw her on the morning of the 16th. And the others are taken by a fellow partier, who also states it`s five days later. So that`s two sources supporting the date of the photos. But forget the photos. I want to. ANTHONY: OK. Forget the photos. The reason I`m calling is. GRACE: The search for Caylee. ANTHONY: All right. Here`s the thing. Your expert witness, who has some, you know -- some experience in this doesn`t have the exact experience that I have. And I -- you know, I understand that he has a perspective that a lot of people don`t have. But to compare Casey to O.J. Simpson, that she had no way out. Casey had a way out if she wanted to not be a mom anymore. Casey lived in a loving family and so did Caylee. Casey knew that any time she had any opportunity -- and obviously if you guys have photographs of her over the last few years going out and enjoying her life -- you know, enjoying life as a 22-year-old and a 20-year-old and a 21-year-old, and a 19-year-old normally would, she had that opportunity. So someone needs to step back for a minute and think what changed? What would make sense? Well, what we`ve been saying all along that someone took her daughter. Casey has not an irresponsible mother. She did not leave her car. She`s not embarrassed. I mean to say that it`s an embarrassment that she`s trying to sit in jail to cover up, you know, to think about a cover-up for an embarrassment? Casey`s a mom that puts an extra key in her pocket every time she takes her daughter in the car because she`s afraid if she tries to grab too many things and she leaves her purse she doesn`t want to lock the car and not have a key that she can get in there and get her purse back out or to take care of her daughter. You know, she thinks, again, every little thing she thinks about and everything we think about is child proofing, making sure that that little girl is safe. So that`s why I can say 100 percent Caylee -- Casey may have told lies and she`s continuing to maintain -- since she`s been, you know, with the authorities she`s maintained and has not changed her story that someone that she entrusted this child to has taken her and has betrayed her trust. And. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) GRACE: Police desperately searching for 2-year-old Caylee Anthony. With me now her grandmother Cindy Anthony. Miss Anthony, thank you for calling in. You seem hopeful Caylee will be home by her birthday on Saturday. Why? ANTHONY: Well, I hope that`s the case. I mean every day I feel like we`re getting closer to locating where she`s at. Casey`s maintained all along she doesn`t know where Caylee is at. Casey`s maintained all along that she doesn`t trust the authorities and, you know, as much as I want to say I can`t blame her for certain things that. GRACE: Well, can I ask you. ANTHONY: . you know I`ve seen and heard over the last three weeks. GRACE: Can I ask you -- I know you will not reveal who your daughter says took -- has Caylee but do you know. ANTHONY: I can`t, Nancy. GRACE: Do you know who it is? Has she told you? ANTHONY: Again, we`re pretty confident that we`re on the right track. GRACE: So I`m going to take that as a yes. How are you going about finding her if you`re not having police help you? ANTHONY: Police is -- police are helping. You know, we`ve spoken with a lot of different authorities over the last several weeks. More so in the last week than we have, you know, since the onset. GRACE: OK. ANTHONY: . because we were putting everything in Orange County`s hands, and we`ve been working closely with them over the last -- we`re probably very close. GRACE: What do you make of the cadaver dogs hitting on the car? ANTHONY: One cadaver dog, Nancy. Let`s get that straight. GRACE: OK. Cadaver dog. What do make of the dog hitting on the car? ANTHONY: One cadaver dog. And same cadaver dog that was the one that was inconsistent in my backyard, the same. GRACE: OK. ANTHONY: Explain to me why they had to go an extra day and bring an extra dog in. GRACE: With us, everyone, is. ANTHONY: . because that cadaver dog didn`t hit the same spot more than once. GRACE: . Caylee`s grandmother, Cindy Anthony. |
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