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![]() Age: 2, Caylee Anthony was reported missing by her grandmother, Cindy Anthony, on July 15, 2008. At that time Caylee's mother, Casey, said on the July 15, 2008 911 call that her daughter had been missing for "31 days." Date of disappearance is unknown at this point as the mother Casey is not cooperating with authorities CALL *Orange County Sheriff's Department 1-407-254-7000* or Crimeline at 1-800-423-8477 |
. | [Transcript Directory] | [www.orlandosentinel.com] | [investigation.discovery.com] | [www.cfnews13.com] | www.wftv.com | . |
. | [Caylee Case Name List] | [www.websleuths.com] | [www.local6.com (Orlando)] | [www.myfoxorlando.com] | www.wesh.com | . |
CAYLEE ANTHONY CASE TRANSCRIPTS Leonard Padilla (Casey's "Jay Blanchard Park/Nanny/Script" story) on Nancy Grace 09/17/08 http://www.acandyrose.com/caylee_anthony_NancyGraceShow_LeonardPadilla091708.htm |
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0809/17/ng.01.html NANCY GRACE Bounty Hunter Thinks Casey Anthony had an Accomplice Aired September 17, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Police desperately searching for a beautiful little 3-year-old Florida girl, Caylee, after her grandparents report her missing, little Caylee now not seen for 13 long weeks, last seen with her mother. So why didn`t Mommy call police? Headlines tonight. Mom, Casey, walks free out of jail after a third arrest. And a stunning theory emerges. Did mom, Casey Anthony, a person of interest in Caylee`s disappearance, have an accomplice? Sources say yes. And tonight, more bombshell audiotapes released of mom, Casey`s, interrogation by police just after little Caylee reported missing -- lie after lie, her refusal to cooperate, even laughing at times, offering no clues to her own little girl`s whereabouts. We hear her lies about the nanny, about the cell phone, about her so-called search for Caylee. And tonight: Did mom, Casey, have romances with more than two cops? How will that compromise the case? The investigation leads detectives out of state, this as grandmother, Cindy Anthony, goes on Spanish TV, insisting Caylee is alive and likely in Texas, Puerto Rico or in Mexico. Tonight, where is Caylee? ***SNIP*** GRACE: Tonight with us, bounty hunter from California Leonard Padilla. Your theory is there is an accomplice. That theory is shared not only by you but one of Caylee`s -- by one of Casey -- mom, Casey Anthony`s, very best friends. What`s your theory, and why? LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, the situation is, she ran out of gas at the checking cashing store on the 26th. And there was a tremendous amount of communication on her phone on the evening of the 26th and also on the 27th, when she called her boyfriend to come pick her up, that the car had run out of gas. And it goes on into the 28th and then it stops. It just stops. No communication with hardly anybody. And the car naturally got towed off on the 30th. So there had to be somebody giving her a hand at that time because if you`re dealing with a body in a garbage bag, it`s, like -- you know, it`s an awful thing to say, but if you talk to a coroner or somebody that`s handled cadavers, they`ll tell you it`s like having 30 pounds of stew in a garbage bag. And if you have a bone breakthrough, it`ll just literally cover the trunk of the car with fluids. So you basically have to have somebody with you to help you keep somewhat your composure and also to get it over into the dumpster. ***SNIP*** GRACE: Back to bounty hunter Leonard Padilla. You keep talking about the phone records. Have you seen them? PADILLA: Yes, we -- we have a complete set of her phone records that go from around the 10th of June all the way out to the end of July. GRACE: Where did you get them? PADILLA: We got them from Lee, her brother. GRACE: OK. Mr. Padilla, in the sworn search warrant, it states point blank the so-called phone call that mom, Casey Anthony, got from nanny Zenaida Gonzalez, where she put little Caylee on the phone right before they hung up -- did that phone call come in? PADILLA: No, no. There`s absolutely no record of any such phone call. And we`ve gone over and over the phone bill, and it`s just not there. There is no... GRACE: So you have the phone records right now. You`ve got them. PADILLA: On me. No, I don`t have them with me. GRACE: At your office. At your office. PADILLA: I`ve got them at my office, yes. GRACE: What else did you learn from the phone records? PADILLA: Well, that she`s constantly on the phone, constantly, constantly, constantly. The night of the 15th, when we believe she had a big blow-up with the family because her mom had come back from the Father`s Day and she`d found out that she stole money from the grandparents -- I believe at that time is when she left the house, not the following day on the 16th. And that is because the phone calls and the pattern of phone calls is such that it doesn`t seem like she was making them out of the house, although the towers that cover the house would also cover a hotel where she might have been spotted. GRACE: Well, if she were in the house, she wouldn`t be talking to her mother on the cell phone, anyway. PADILLA: Well, no, she wasn`t talking to her mother. She was talking to her boyfriend and other people. GRACE: Oh, I see. OK. So you think she may have been in the house at that time? PADILLA: She might have been. But I think shortly afterwards, she left, which would be in conflict somewhat with... GRACE: OK. PADILLA: ... you know, her having left on the 16th. GRACE: Did you see any evidence in these phone records of phone calls from or to a nanny? PADILLA: Absolutely none. And I can tell you this, that we`ve gone over every phone call and identified every one of them. And there is no Zenaida on there whatsoever. None. ***SNIP*** (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: By failing to notify somebody, you`ve put your daughter at greater risk. CASEY ANTHONY: Even bigger risk. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You put your daughter in terrible danger by just letting this drag out five weeks and not telling anybody. That`s -- you`re right. I`m not going to argue with you there. CASEY ANTHONY: No. (END AUDIO CLIP) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP) CASEY ANTHONY: I`ll offer up my computer in a heartbeat, just like with my phone logs and everything else, anything that could possibly help. That`s why we set up Web sites and have been making phone calls and trying to get ahold of people. I had such a limited number of people that I was actually trusting at that point, thinking maybe they could help, maybe they`d have some insight. I didn`t want to involve a bunch of people that maybe didn`t know the situation. (END AUDIO CLIP) (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I asked you this at the onset and I asked you before we went on tape, and I`ll ask you again just to make sure we`re clear. Is there anything about this story that you`re telling me that is untrue? CASEY ANTHONY: No. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Or is there anything that you want to change or divert from what you`ve already told me? CASEY ANTHONY: No, sir. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you cause any injury to your child, Caylee? CASEY ANTHONY: No, sir. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you hurt Caylee or leave her somewhere and you`re... CASEY ANTHONY: No. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... worried that if we find that out, that people are going to look at you the wrong way? CASEY ANTHONY: No, sir. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You`re telling me that Zenaida took your child without your permission... CASEY ANTHONY: She`s... UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... and hasn`t returned her? CASEY ANTHONY: ... the last person that I had seen with my daughter, yes. (END AUDIO CLIP) (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP) CASEY ANTHONY: She used to talk about people all the time but never used specific names or really go into any detail about anything, and it never seemed weird. Some people are just very particular about giving out details or specific details about other people. So I understood all of that. But looking back at stuff now -- the privacy, the way she was a little bit changing phones and -- it just -- it didn`t seem right whatsoever. (END AUDIO CLIP) GRACE: More of those blockbuster audiotapes released. We are taking your calls. Take a listen to this. (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Basically, if you`re trying to fabricate a story to kind of make something look a little bit better, now`s your time to tell me. Are you telling me that this is the story you want to stick with? CASEY ANTHONY: It`s the truth. It`s the story I`m going to stick with, yes. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. In your own words -- let`s go back. Your daughter`s name is Caylee, C-A-Y-L-E-E? CASEY ANTHONY: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Marie Anthony. She was born August 9? CASEY ANTHONY: 2005. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. And according to your statement back on August 9 -- I`m sorry -- back on June 9, 2008, you took Casey (SIC) to a baby-sitter`s house. CASEY ANTHONY: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And who was this baby-sitter? CASEY ANTHONY: Her name is Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales. (END AUDIO CLIP) (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How long have you known Zenaida? CASEY ANTHONY: Almost four years. It`ll be four years Christmas this year. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And where did you meet her? Who did you meet her through? CASEY ANTHONY: A mutual friend. His name is Jeffrey Michael Hopkins. I met him at Nickelodeon at Universal. I met her through him. She was his son`s nanny at the time. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does Jeffrey still work at Universal? CASEY ANTHONY: No, he does not. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How long has it been since he left? CASEY ANTHONY: About 9, 10 months, give or take. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did he move back to Jacksonville? CASEY ANTHONY: He moved up to North Carolina for a short time and moved down to Jacksonville within the last three months. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When was the last time you spoke with him? CASEY ANTHONY: About a week-and-a-half ago. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Do you know a telephone number for him? CASEY ANTHONY: I can find a number for him. I don`t know a number off hand. No, I do not. (END AUDIO CLIP) (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Go back to your statement. You dropped off your - - you dropped off Caylee on June 9, and walk me through. You dropped her off to go work? CASEY ANTHONY: Uh-huh. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Get off of work and -- go from there. CASEY ANTHONY: I got off of work, left Universal, driving back to pick up Caylee, like a normal day. And I show up to the apartment, knock on the door. Nobody answers. So I called Zenaida`s cell phone, and it`s out of service. It says that the phone is no longer in service. Excuse me. So I sit down on the steps and wait for a little bit to see if maybe it was just a fluke, if something happened. And time passed. I didn`t hear from anyone. No one showed up to the house. So I went over to Jay Blanchard Park and checked a couple other places where maybe possibly they would`ve gone, a couple stores, just regular places that I know Zenaida shops at and she`s taken Caylee before. (END AUDIO CLIP) (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You mentioned something before we went on tape about your cell phones. CASEY ANTHONY: Yes. I have two phones. I had just received a new phone through work, through Universal. The phone won`t keep charged, so I use my old phone that I actually had gotten again through Universal for work. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Did you lose the phone? CASEY ANTHONY: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And in that phone, you`re saying, was a SIM card and the SIM card had the contact information? CASEY ANTHONY: Actually, the SIM card is in my Nokia phone, but I know there`s numbers saved to the cell phone itself. So if we get the actual phone, I know I have one other number for Zenaida. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But they`re not in your SIM card? CASEY ANTHONY: They`re not saved on the SIM card, they`re saved on the phone. I`ve been trying to figure out on that new phone how to save numbers from the phone to the SIM card and switch them back and forth so that I have everything all in one piece.. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. So the phone where you have the number saved was lost. CASEY ANTHONY: Yes. I filed an incident report. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, how did you end up keeping the SIM card? CASEY ANTHONY: I had taken it out. I know I left the phone on my desk at work after I`d switched the SIM card back to my old phone because this was the phone that actually would keep charge. I want to be able to have a working phone instead of having a phone that would only stay charged for about a half hour and then it would die and I can`t make any more calls. It`s for me not practical. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So after you -- after you switched the SIM cards on the phone, what? CASEY ANTHONY: I left it. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) CASEY ANTHONY: I know I left it on my desk. And I hadn`t been at work for at least three or four days. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you said you made a report to Universal or... CASEY ANTHONY: Yes, with security. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When was that? CASEY ANTHONY: Nine days ago. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nine days ago? CASEY ANTHONY: Yes. (END AUDIO CLIP) GRACE: All of that, lies. She hasn`t worked at Universal in years. She didn`t leave her phone on her desk. None of this happened I want to go out to Robert Dick, former head of security for Casey Anthony. In fact, detectives are flying out to California to interrogate, to question him about what Anthony told him. That is not the story that she told you, Robert Dick. What did she tell you when you two were in the car together? ROBERT DICK, FORMER SECURITY FOR CASEY ANTHONY: Well, Nancy, that -- she said Jay Blanchard Park, like she said in the report, but the story had changed, that she said she had went straight to Jay Blanchard Park, met Zenaida and her sister, and the sister, Samantha, had played with the kids and taken Caylee away while Zenaida held her back. I mean, it`s a complete different story, just using the same people with the addition of Samantha. GRACE: But in your story, she never went to Sawgrass Apartments. She met the at Jay Blanchard Park. They were all playing. And there was a mention that Zenaida Gonzalez gave her a script to go by? DICK: Right. She kept feeding me lines to -- in her mind, supposedly, to help me confirm her story. But you know, knowing most of these answers ahead of time, you could see the lies that they were trying to unravel and trying to help stop going into roadblocks where law enforcement was proving she was lying. GRACE: Did Casey Anthony tell you the nanny told her what to say when asked about where Caylee was? DICK: She told me that she was given a script, that she had certain lines to say to law enforcement and whoever asked questions for the next 30 days. ***SNIP*** GRACE: Taking your calls, out to the lines, Tamara in California. Hi, dear. TAMARA, CALIFORNIA RESIDENT: Hi, Nancy. You are doing a wonderful job and nobody could do this better than you. GRACE: Thank you. TAMARA: And my question is, she is saying that she has known Zenaida for four years. Now she lived with her mom and dad for quite some time, so had they ever met Zenaida or heard about Zenaida prior to this happening? GRACE: Leonard Padilla, what do we know? LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, BELIEVES TOT MOM HAD AN ACCOMPLICE: In several conversations that I had with Zenaida she definitely does not. GRACE: Right, you did not have a conversation with Zenaida. PADILLA: Yes, I have. GRACE: Zenaida Gonzalez. PADILLA: The Zenaida Gonzalez that applied for the apartment. GRACE: Oh, the real Zenaida Gonzalez, right. PADILLA: Well, the. GRACE: The question is. PADILLA: I`m talking about the -- I`m talking about the Zenaida Gonzalez. GRACE: Did Cindy and George Anthony ever meet or see the nanny? PADILLA: No. No. GRACE: That`s the question. PADILLA: No. No. GRACE: OK. You met the real Zenaida Gonzalez that has never met Casey Anthony. PADILLA: Correct. The one that applied for the apartment... GRACE: Correct. PADILLA: . at the Saw Grass, yes. GRACE: OK. Got it. So the bottom line is, no, the grandparents never saw in all those years or spoke to Zenaida Gonzalez. Out to the lines, Dena in Indiana, hi, Dena. DENA, INDIANA RESIDENT: Hi, Nancy, I love your show and your twins are absolutely beautiful. GRACE: Thank you. DENA: My question is, actually, to Mr. Padilla. When he was doing security for Casey, when he was still on the bond, did he have any sort of listening device or anything in the home? Because he seems to be dropping little hints here and there. Did he overhear something? GRACE: Well, he was in the home. Leonard Padilla, please respond. PADILLA: No, we -- we didn`t have any listening devices and we had several conversations with Cindy and George prior to Casey actually getting out of jail. We got there on a Sunday, and she didn`t get out until Thursday. So we were in constant communication with each other. We were in and out of the home. We were talking to each other. And even up until the conversation that I had with Casey that morning, I still spoke with George and Cindy sometimes outside the house. I never went back in the house. And they`d come out into the RV and talk to us. Or in the driveway. GRACE: So you learned everything pretty much from them. Leonard Padilla is with us tonight. PADILLA: Correct. GRACE: Robert Dick, as well. Police now heading out to interrogate, question them, about what they know about the case. We know from Robert Dick, Casey Anthony gave him a different version of what happened to little Caylee. Leonard, why are they interrogating you? PADILLA: Well, I believe it`s because of the same conversation I had with Cindy. When she told me that her daughter had told her the story about she went to Blanchard Park, and Zenaida and Samantha, her sister, took the baby away, gave her a scripted 30-day statement to make to police, and then when Casey herself gave me that statement about half an hour after the mom had given it to me. And I think they just want to tie it down and make sure that they`ve got it face-to-face. I`m positive that`s what it is. Plus, they might also be going down to 29 Palms to talk to a fellow by the name of Mark Hawkins, a marine that`s stationed there, who had two conversations on the evening of the 26th when her car ran out of gas. ***SNIP*** GRACE: To Leonard Padilla, you met and spoke extensively with the grandparents. Why do you believe they`re not taking a polygraph? PADILLA: Well, I don`t really believe it`s their decision not to take it. I think Lee is the one that didn`t want to take a polygraph. And at the time, I believe he influenced them to say, no, we don`t want to take -- the fact is, I think that he`s the one who voiced the objection to taking the polygraph on their behalf. I think he strenuously objected to it and they just kind of went along with it. |
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