About the Crime Scene Photographs
![[755 15th Street, Boulder Colorado]](087house-front-x.gif) Crime Scene Photo #087 755 15th Street - Boulder Colorado
1999 February 18 - Lawrence Schillers book, "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town
Page 81:
"The Ramsey's home, which had a red brick Tudor facade, contained 6,866 square feet of living space, and nearly filled a half-acre lot. There was no fence surrounding the property. The front of the house was built in 1927, and the rear was added later and had been remodeled several times over the years. A back elevator had been replaced with a spiral staircase when the Ramseys renovated the house in 1992. The floor plan was a maze, and the decorating was unusual; flowered carpets, thick white moldings, vivid colors."
![[John and Patsy Ramsey Bedroom]](047parentsbedroom-x.gif) From Lou Smit's Presentation Crime Scene Photo #047 Ramsey third floor bedroom
1999 February 18 - Lawrence Schillers book, "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town
Page 83:
"The third-floor master bedroom had a cathedral ceiling and a view of the Flatirons. A framed print of red flowers hung over the fireplace. The king-size bed had a 4-foot-high hand-carved headboard. A rider workout machine sat beside an exercise bicycle. A corner desk held a computer. Displayed on the floor and shelves were twenty-three of JonBenet's pageant trophies. In a children's play area stood a 5-foot-tall pageant trophy next to one that measured 8-feet-1."
![[JonBenet's Bedroom]](000jonbenetsbedroom-x.gif) From Lou Smit's Presentation Crime Scene Photo JonBenet's Bedroom
1999 February 18 Lawrence Schillers book, "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town
Page 82:
"JonBenet's second-floor bedroom, with a porch overlooking the south yard and patio, was closet to the spiral staircase. The room had a hand-painted hat motif, and the nursery rhyme, 'hey, Diddle, Diddle' was painted on a carved corner cabinet. The police had removed a small piece of carpet in front of the night table between the matching English burl walnut single beds. To the left of the bed the police had removed two additional pieces of carpet. At the foot of JonBenet's bed there was a hand-painted locker that matched the fabrics in the room. All of JonBenet's sheets, pillowcases, and bedcovers were taken into custody by the police. Fingerprint powder was everywhere except on the painted hooks of a trompe l'oeil hat rack stenciled on the closet doors."
![[JonBenet's Bedroom]](005jonbenetbed-x.gif) From Lou Smit's Presentation Crime Scene Photo #005 JonBenet's Bedroom
![[Red-and-white stuffed bear in a Santa suit]](bear-bedroom-x.gif)
Crime Scene Photo Stuffed Bear in Santa Suit
![[Golf Bags in Basement]](072basement-x.gif) From Lou Smit's Presentation Crime Scene Photo #072 Golf Bags in Basement
![[JonBenet's Bedroom]](002jonbenetbed-x.gif) From Lou Smit's Presentation Crime Scene Photo #002 JonBenet's Bedroom
![[JonBenet's Bedroom]](house2-x.gif) JonBenet's Bedroom
![[JonBenet's Bedroom Closet]](closet-jonbenetroom-page35-x.gif) The National Enquirer JonBenet's Closet
1999 February 18 - Lawrence Schillers book, "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town
Page 82:
"JonBenet's closet was stuffed with clothes. A small TV set with a built-in VCR sat on a shelf inside her closet. Other shelves had dozens of cartoon and Shirley Temple videos. To the right of the closet stood a pageant trophy as tall as the light switch. Another tropny was even taller. There was a floor-to-ceiling Christmas tree in the room too. In her bathroom hung an original pastel, called 'Tea for Two' by a Boulder artist."
1998 October 19 - Pam Paugh (Patsy Ramsey's sister) on Larry King Live Show
Pam Paugh: "But I know that on the 28th when I had to enter the home to get some personal belongings, some clothing, and obviously, some things appropriate for JonBenet's burial, I knew then that the police had made up their mind that Patsy and John had done this hideous thing."
Larry King: You must have been totally shocked, then?
Pam Paugh: Well, of course I was.
Larry King: Did you speak to any police officer? Did you say to anyone, you people are nuts?
Pam Paugh: Of course I did.
Larry King: And what did they say?
Pam Paugh: Not much. They just kept asking me a bunch of questions while I was in the home.
1999 February 18 - Lawrence Schillers book, "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town
Page 56:
"The day before, one of Patsy Ramsey's sisters had gone into the house with police permission and taken out an oil printing, several American Girl dolls, a portfilio of JonBenet's pageant photographs, a pageant medal with a blue ribbon, graduation photos of the older children, and a Bible from John Ramsey's desk, but she had missed JonBenet's stuffed cat, which Patsy had wanted retrieved."
1999 October 30 Pam Paugh Q&A - WebbSleuths Forum:
Question from KathyK: "I also would like to know anything she can tell us about the Santa Bear. Does she definately remember seeing the bear when she went to get stuff from the house, or does she just sort of think she remembers seeing it. Did the cops ever take it into evidence? Is it really missing? - how hard did the Ramseys look for it - could it just be in boxes that were packed up. Do they have the other things that were in the cops picture - like that fancy barbie doll?"
Pam Paugh: "I do remember seeing the Bear on the secondary bed in JonBenet's room on 12/28/96. I do not know where the Bear is now. I am told that the BPD have confirmed the source of the sales point for that model Bear. I wonder if they have subpoenaed sales/shipping records and done a "search of transfer"
2000 March 18 - John and Patsy Ramsey book, "Death of Innocence"
DOI (HB) Page 11:
"Eventually, arrangements were made for Pam Paugh, Patsy's younger sister, to go back to the house under police supervision and get a few things we needed. She would be allowed to stand at the door of a room and point at the items. Then the police would carefully catalog these possessions and deliver them to her."
"Most of the items Patsy wanted were in a curio cabinet of keepsakes in our bedroom. Treasures from over the years filled the cabinet: Our children's first shoes, a christening gown Patsy had made for both of the children, baby teeth, JonBenet's baby locks, Patsy's baby shoes, and my baby rattle. Patsy particularly wanted Pam to get the My Twinn doll from under the Christmas tree and the pictures of the kids she kept on the sink in her bathroom."
"After gathering up what we had asked for, Pam was getting ready to leave when she had a feeling that something important had been missed. She asked to go back to JonBenet's room, and as she stood in the doorway, her attention was drawn to a seemingly insignificant gold medallion that JonBenet had won in the recent All-Stars Christmas Pageant, her last competition. The round medallion had been placed around her neck as the overall winner of the talent competition"
2000 March 18 - John and Patsy Ramsey book, "Death of Innocence"
DOI (HB) Page 273-274:
"During the interview, photographs of JonBenet's bedroom were shown to me, and I saw a red-and-white stuffed bear in a Santa suit lying on an adjacent twin bed. I said I didn't remember seeing that bear before. My comments started a nationwide search for the bear."
04-18-2000 Steve Thomas, "JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation"
Page 48:
"That evening John went to Crist Mortuary to discuss funeral arrangements. In addition to the usual rites, transportation was needed for burial to Atlanta. Patsy awoke while he was gone and staggered from the bedroom to a couch, bearely able to speak, and told her sisters she needed some things from Fifteen Street. John was overhead to ask somebody quietly, "Did you get my golf bag?" When I learned of that statement, it seemed totally out of order. There had been two golf bags in the house, but he had not specified which one he wanted. Neither bag was collected by police."
04-18-2000 Steve Thomas, "JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation"
Page 51:
"Patrol Officer Angie Chromiak told me later that when she showed up to pull a security shift at Tin Cup circle, she was ordered by police headquarters to ferry Pam Paugh over to fifteenth Street to collect some clothing that John, Patsy, and Burke Ramsey could war to the funeral. Even that decision, as kind as it might have been to grieving parents, was questionable, for nothing should be removed from an active crime scene."
ST (HB) Page 52:
"She spent an hour on her first trip through the crime scene and emerged with a big cardboard box filled to the brim, which she plopped into the trunk of the police car. For the next several hours, Pam made about half a dozen trips through the bouse, often spending an hour or more inside, and hauled out suitcases, boxes, bags, and loose items until the backseat of the police car was stuffed like a steamer trunk."
"Pam's last trip was into the bedroom of JonBenet, and she pumped herself up again; "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this." She came back carrying an armload of stuffed animals and other items from the first room in the house to have been sealed off by police."
"Everett kept only a general inventory of what was removed, and even that abbreviated listing was astonishing. Stuffed animals, tiaras, three dresses for JonBenet, pageant photo portfolios, toys and clothes for Burke, John Ramsey's Daytime, the desk Bible, and clothing. For Patsy, there were black pants, dress suits, boots, and the contents of the curio cabinet. Bills, credit cards, a black cashmere trench coat, jewelry that included her grandmother's ring and an emerald necklace, bathrobes, a cell phone, personal papers, bank records, Christmas stockings, her Nordstrom's credit card, and even their passports. The patrol car was loaded with zipped bags, boxes, sacks, and luggage, the true contents unknown."
04-18-2000 Steve Thomas, "JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation"
Page 58:
"They carried along Sister Socks, a gray-and-white stuffed animal that had been left behind during Pam Paugh's sweep through the house. Sister Socks was retrieved for them by Detective Arndt."
08-29-2002 Anonymous E-mail to ACandyRose from a former employee of the Pleasant Company, makers of the American Doll.
"The dolls heads are attached with a string that gets in the way when the clothes are changed or the hair is brushed. I was trained to tell parents to use a peice of duct tape to tack it down. If you do that and pull it off the stuffing comes out on the tape. They have a huggable body and vinyl limbs and arms attached with bungie cords. One doll in particualar comes dressed in navy wool shedding fibers. If I just touch the outfit with a damp finger it beomes coated. JonBenet's being wet would have just leached the fibers right off. I thought this way to much of a coincidence after I read Pam took the dolls out."