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BOOK: "Death of Innocence" by John and Patsy Ramsey

Index to Keyword Groups: "Susan Stine"
(Keyword(s) Index done by (ACandyRose)
This is an "unofficial index" to the hardback copy of the book, "Death of Innocence" written by John and Patsy Ramsey. This index was generated on "keyword(s)" selection and "keyword groups" within the book and does not include an index to every word within the book. This site is non-profit and created to be shared by all who are following the JonBenet Ramsey murder case as a guide to reference information within the book.

Susan Stine · 8, 32, 95, 97, 115, 116, 137, 143, 148, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 169, 170, 173, 174, 180, 181, 183, 186, 187, 188, 199, 211, 215, 216, 233, 234, 236, 304, 322, 334, 344, 345, 348, 349, 350, See Friends in Boulder, Colorado
Susan Stine and John Ramsey joking about setting up machine-gun turret · 186
Susan Stine arrives at the Fernies · 32
Susan Stine asked Kathleen Keane to leave Ramsey property in Charlevoix · 187
Susan Stine became the Ramseys protectors · 143
Susan Stine began each morning checking the Internet · 154, 304
Susan Stine called 911 when media stole her garbage · 169
Susan Stine car chase · 349, 350
Susan Stine did not trust Kathleen Keane · 187
Susan Stine discovered anonymous chat rooms · 304
Susan Stine discovered e-mail being passed about the crime · 304
Susan Stine discovered Jameson during Internet searches · 304
Susan Stine drove back to Atlanta with the Ramseys 10-10-1999 · 349
Susan Stine drove Burke Ramsey to school · 116, 154
Susan Stine drove Ramsey car in and out of their driveway · 334
Susan Stine followed Internet to learn gossip/rumors in chat rooms · 304
Susan Stine had said she needed a gun, so John gave her one! · 186
Susan Stine had the Ramseys living with them for five months · 304
Susan Stine helped Patsy plant pansies at JonBenet’s grave · 322
Susan Stine in car chase with Donald Paugh’s white Grand Prix · 349, 350
Susan Stine informed police 911 call at Christmas party was mistake · 97
Susan Stine loaned Patsy a dress for Mary Ann Holt’s funeral · 342
Susan Stine loves a good chase scene · 350
Susan Stine mother · 95
Susan Stine poured smelly fish fertilizer over garbage · 170
Susan Stine read the pamphlet " Helping a Homicide Survivor Heal" to the Ramseys · 157
Susan Stine returned to Boulder after visiting Charlevoix · 187
Susan Stine showed the Ramsey how she checked the Internet · 304
Susan Stine told Judith Phillips to leave and not come back · 160
Susan Stine told Ramseys Alex Hunter was meeting with Dr. Henry Lee · 348
Susan Stine told Ramseys Grand Jury would reconvene October 12, 1999 · 349
Susan Stine tried to get everyone to laugh at least once a day · 154
Susan Stine tried to photograph people stealing the trash · 170
Susan Stine was at Burke Ramsey's school during recess and after school · 116
Susan Stine was director of planning at University of Colorado · 153
Susan Stine was driving Donald Paugh’s old white Grand Prix · 349, 350
Susan Stine watched with binoculars from inside garage · 170
Susan Stine wore one of Patsy’s wigs driving Ramsey car · 334
Susan Stine, Glen Stine, Doug Stine brought Burke Ramsey to Dahlonega · 344

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Keyword Index Alphabetical and Group Categories
(Click on book below for alpha index or category group selected)
[Index A][Index B][Index C][Index D][Index E][Index F][Index G][Index H][Index I][Index J][Index K][Index L][Index M][Index N][Index O][Index P][Index Q][Index R][Index S][Index T][Index U][Index V][Index W][Index X][Index Y][Index Z]
[Keyword Index to Group Categories and DOI Stories]

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