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A Personal view of the Internet Subculture Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case |
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Internet Subculture and the JonBenet Ramsey Murder Case![]() ![]() |
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The "LuckyLady" Story
Postings By "LuckyLady" and "Gator"
Prior to Death Announcement
Postings by "LuckyLady" | |||||||||||||||||||||
"Beautiful greeting Batwoman....." | Posted by Gator on 10:20:23 11/01/98 Include Original Message on Reply I find it educational when I read your morning posts. I am looking to learn more about the Catholic beliefs, and your morning posts are helpful. Everyone say your prayers for JonBenet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greetings everyone.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 5. "Jameson," Posted by Gator on 11:26:23 11/05/98 Include Original Message on Reply What duffle bag? This is the first I have heard anything about this.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 1. "Thanks Ty!" Posted by Gator on 07:49:59 11/06/98 Include Original Message on Reply Being relatively new, and definately a rookie to the computer, I get frustrated when things lock up or don't respond . I am a babe in the woods as far as knowing what to do to solve problems or move info. and am glad to have people so experienced to ask questions of. Thanks for any help you can be.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 8. "Burkes behavior" Posted by Gator on 09:03:49 11/06/98 Include Original Message on Reply has been questionable beginning with not asking any questions about not leaving for their trip as planned, not asking about the police in the house that morning, having been heard on the 911 tape saying "what do I do now"And why did Patsey tell 3 different versions about exactly how her morning progressed before police were called?And why did John go straight to the basement and to THAT room when he was told to search the house that afternoon? Jameson, what are the parents doing to try to find the killer or killers? You seem to have inside info. and I am courious. Can you answer any of my questions above with your info? Do I have my facts straight about these things?
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 12. "Jameson" Posted by Gator on 18:40:46 11/06/98 Include Original Message on Reply Thank you for filling me in on my mistakes with the tab. trash. I agree with you, memory is very tricky, especially under stressful situations. I don't have a very good memory, and would probablly have the same trouble as Patsy. I only asked because I had read this on another thread, (I tried to find which one and couldn't) that she had 3 different versions. I agree it is very possible for this to happen. I guess I need to stop reading the tabloids!!!!!!!!! I also need to not second guess what might have actually been said that morning by Burke. I WASN'T THERE TO HEAR WHAT HIS CONVERSATION WAS! As far as the 911 call, I thought it was a story in the Denver Post I had read that said the voice was heard. So I took that info. more to be true. Again, I guess since I don't know for sure if this evidence is for real, I should not take it as truth. I will be anxiouslly waiting to hear all the evidence when it is released. It will answer alot of speculation. As far as what I think the Ramsey's should be doing to find the killer, I guess I don't have the slightest idea what could be done to find the killer that isn't already being done. Do you know if all the evidence has been teated or not? We keep hearing that it hasn't been.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 15. "Ashley" Posted by Gator on 19:04:53 11/06/98 Include Original Message on Reply you are right. When you put it that way, I will no longer spend my money on such trash. I used to say I bought them for the laughs, but I guess I wasn't thinking about how hurtful they can be. Thanks for the insight!
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 6. "Nelda and Lovepigeon" Posted by Gator on 15:14:05 11/07/98 Include Original Message on Reply You are both right. Until a person is placed in the position that the Ramseys have been put through, we do not know how we would react. Stressful situations can bring very different responses from someone who would otherwise respond in another way. Shock can cause someone to act irrational compared to how they may normally act.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 11. "I still beleive" Posted by Gator on 23:25:41 11/12/98 Include Original Message on Reply the scraping of metal was shoveling. I know many have said why would someone do this at midnight? I have come home late on Christmas and shoveled snow off our walks and driveway. It was a nice way to wind down and enjoy some quiet time after the busy day.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 13. "Tomahawk" Posted by Gator on 06:40:37 11/13/98 Include Original Message on Reply have you ever shoveled show in the dark as a light,gentle snow continued to fall? The feelings can put a person as great peace. Sometimes it is more convient to get that layer off late at night so as to not have so much to shovel the next day. This happenes alot around here with people coming home from a late shift at work, and shovels at that time so they don't have as much to do the next day, or have to get up as early the next day to do the removal. Here in my city, if your walks are not shoveled by a certain time after a showfall, the city comes and does it and charges you $20 a hour and the charge is put right on your tax bill!!
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 1. "I agree" Posted by Gator on 05:47:11 11/13/98 Include Original Message on Reply everyone has the right to their own opinion. Whether they agree with your own theories or ideas on what happpened that awful night should not matter. Just because people differ on judgement, we can still be civil and not put someone else down for having their own opinion. That's why God gave each one of us our own brain, so we can make our own choices. We need not have the same---or we may turn into another society like in the days of Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET US EACH SEEK OUR OWN TRUTH WITHOUT JUDGEMENT!!!
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 29. "Tomahawk" Posted by Gator on 22:39:05 11/13/98 I would really hate to see you go. Who is going to continue to support me in my opinion that the Ramseys are not being completely truthful and are somehow involved in this tragady. We really are few and far between, so I think you need to continue to voice your opinions. We may not agree on the religion issue but I still enjoy reading your posts.Just lay off Batwoman please!
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 15. "I think" Posted by Gator on 23:24:22 11/13/98 Include Original Message on Reply we should leave Burke out of our discussions until there is real proof of any involvement. This is a child, and I would not want this done to mine. I have my ideas on that subject, but I refuse to post them out of respect for this child.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 38. "Yeah Tomahawk!!!!!!!!!" Posted by Gator on 23:42:55 11/13/98 Include Original Message on Reply Thanks for giving us one more chance. Seriously, I'm glad you will be continuing to post here. I appreciate everyones views!!
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | "A quick question" Posted by Gator on 23:48:49 11/13/98 Include Original Message on Reply for those of you who do not believe in God. What do you think happened to JonBenet's soul when she died?
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 8. "Thanks for your input on this matter." Posted by Gator on 09:30:36 11/14/98 Include Original Message on Reply I too believe that JonBenet is resting comfortablly in the arms of our savior. Personally, if I didn't have my beliefs that I will one day be able to look into the face of God, it would be very difficult to go on everyday. I have no problems with anyones beliefs, whether they have any or not, I just know that I need to believe!!!!!!!!!!! And someday, I will be able to meet JonBenet face to face in our Lord's kingdom.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 4. "Batwoman, Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Posted by Gator on 09:19:16 11/14/98 Include Original Message on Reply DON'T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that you are not going to leave us. I look forward each day to seeing your morning posts. If you leave, there will be one less poster to support me in my beliefs that the Ramseys are somehow involved in this tragedy. We need to have both sides discussed here and without you, I think we will all be missing something great. I also don't find many people who can express their faith in such a wonderful way as you do. Who will supply me with my fix of understanding more about the side of the fence we are on.I don't know if the Ramseys actually did the killing, but I do believe they know more than what they are saying to cover for someone else. We are in the minority and I would really love to see your views continue to be posted.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 7. "Batwoman" Posted by Gator on 10:10:16 11/14/98 Include Original Message on Reply I read the thread that Tomahawk started before it was deleated. I do not suport his flaming that he did toward you. I would probablly have felt very hurt by his posts too. But I do believe we need all posters opinions to have an honest forum. Both sides of the fence need to be expressed. I also think if a poster should continue to flame other posters, give them one chance to apologize to the offended person and stop. If it continues, discontinue their access to this forum.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 14. "Vernye" Posted by Gator on 04:44:20 11/15/98 Include Original Message on Reply you asked what I felt McReynolds ment when he said "JonBenet saved his soul " and what I think his beliefs are? I have not heard that he had said this. When was this info. released? I would guess that maybe he ment JonBenet had made such an impression on him with her own faith, that he felt the desire to seek God himself and in doing so, his soul was saved. I really have no idea what he ment, this is just a guess. I really don't feel comfortable guessing here,but that is what this is, just a guess. As for how this may have influences his beliefs now, I guess I would say, maybe he feels he will now be saved. That maybe his beliefs in God are stronger. I don't know, I am not an interpetor of others speech. Hope this answers your question.
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 3. "Beautiful opening" Posted by Gator on 11:27:49 11/27/98 Include Original Message on Reply as always Batwoman. I like those pictures too! Jams, It was nice to hear your Thanksgiving was nice. I had to stay home sick, but I am doing better today. Murphy sent me some cyber vit. c and zinc and a big hug and I guess it worked! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Peace to JonBenet!!
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 7. "Welcome SextonSpeaks" Posted by Lucky Lady on 18:08:19 3/26/99 Include Original Message on Reply you will find this sight very welcoming and friendly, no matter your point of view. We all respect each other and try to stay civil to everyone. We are glad you have joined us and look forward to hearing your points of view. Jameson and Murphy do an excellent job with this sight and we all appreciate them greatly. Again, welcome!
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: | 37. "DocG" Posted by Lucky Lady on 10:35:28 3/28/99 Include OriginalMessage on Reply I just first read your "theory" today and I must admit, everything you presented sure does seem to fit. I too felt in the beginning that John did this and did all the coverup by himself. I agree the note was written the way it was to try to scare Patsy away from calling the police. I have never understood why the profiler seems to think the note must have been written by a woman. I don't think a female would have been so graphic and demented, (not to say they can't be) but it really does not reflect a female slant at all to me. It has always REALLY bothered me about John going to the basement around 10:00 for awhile. Just what did he do there? And the window thing - how come the police search that morning never listed the window as being open, but when John and Fleet went down around 1:00, John made sure he pointed the window out to Fleet. And then the way he acted after he came back upstairs, it just seems VERY VERY suspicious! As far as John's character, we don't know this man. But Fleet White, a close friend, seems to have his opinions as to John's reactions that day. He seems to think John acted strangely - WHY? There seems to be just too many questions as to how John responded and reacted to this crime. His actions seem very suspicious to me too. As far as the ransom note, I agree that they have made a mistake in excluding John as the author. It was too soon to dismiss him in the way they did. I used to think Burke might have had some hand in this, but since reading your "theory" I have put that thought out of my mind. Thanks, I didn't like to even imagine he had something to do with this tragic death. Thanks for such a thourough insight to your opinion. It has GREAT potential for discussion! |
Postings by "Lucky Lady" After "Lucky Lady" went into the hospital | |||
FROM A POSTING ON THE WEBBSLEUTH'S FORUM: 4. "Thank you" Posted by Lucky Lady on 20:11:34 3/29/99 Include Original Message on Reply Texas 1 for the thoughtful thread, and to Afton, Webcat55, and Lady Bug for your get well wishes. It feels quite nice to have such caring friends. I looked forward to reading these posts and appreciate them very much. I am getting a little stronger each day, but it will be about a month recovery. I become exausted very quickly, since my lungs have a long way to heal. It was like haveing a mini fire in there, causing major trauma. STREP INFECTIONS ARE BAD ENOUGH IN THE THROAT BUT IN THE LUNGS THEY CAN BE FATAL! Lucky lady truely does fit me. Again, thanks for the nice posts. |
"Off Topic - lucky Lady is gone.." |
Posted by Lucky Lady on 12:09:01 4/01/99 Include Original Message on Reply Back to the hospital. As some of you may have read, I was hospitalized for 5 days last week. I am off now to the hospital because I have developed blood clots in my left leg. I don't know when I will be returning, but PLEASE PRAY FOR ME! I could die from these, ( I have had them 3 times already in my life) so if I don't return, thanks for all the fun times and wonderful posts. I sure hope I come back home to continue with you all. Keep your fingers crossed and prayers flowing. Peace to JonBenet. Hopefully I won't be seeing her soon! Sincerely, Lucky Lady (Sure hope my hat continues to be lucky!!!!!!!)
"I have returned!" | Posted by Lucky Lady on 04:15:34 4/07/99 Include Original Message on Reply Well, I made it back! Iwant to thank Texas 1 for all the nice prayer threads and well wishes. Thanks also to everyone who included their prayers. It was wonderful to log on and read such nice things. It really made me feel like part of the family here. I love you guys! As for my health, all your prayers have helped greatly. My bloodclots are under control now, and with coumiden, I should recover ok. I also now have that stupid strep virus running throughout my system and it has affected my left arm, shoulder, hip and now both knees. I am on massive amounts of pain meds to deal with the pain. This is going to be a very long recovery, so keep praying for me! Again, thank you all for your support. I really appreciate reading your posts for me. Sorry this is off topic. Just thought you might want to know what's up. I guess my hat will continue to be "LUCKY LADY". |
The ACandyRoseŠ Internet Subculture Web site is an privately owned archive site for documentation on the history of the JonBenet Ramsey murder case investigation via the Internet. All information has been accessed from public domains and/or quotes following the rules under the "fair use rule of copyright law." This web site is non-profit. Donations are welcome via the PayPal donation button on the home page. God willing someday there will be justice for JonBenet Ramsey. | ||||||
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