Mark Beckner Deposition (Atlanta, Georgia) Wolf vs Ramsey Civil Action File No. 00-CIV-1187(JEC) (Blue Fibers)
2 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Okay. From your -- from
3 the time period that you have been involved in the
4 Ramsey case, October of 1997 to date, you have never
5 publicly referred to any individual as a suspect; am
6 I right?
7 A That's correct.
8 Q You have always carefully indicated that
9 individuals, whoever may come up, were either not or
10 were under the umbrella of suspicion?
11 A Yes.
12 Q Or used the phrase under suspicion?
13 A Yes.
14 Q Which you have told me means the same
15 thing as being under the umbrella of suspicion?
16 A Yes.
17 Q So from start to today, you have not
18 classified any individual as a suspect?
19 A Publicly, correct.
20 Q Or otherwise?
21 A That's not accurate.
22 Q How is it inaccurate?
23 A Internally John and Patsy are considered
24 suspects.
25 Q Both of them?
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Mark Beckner Deposition (Atlanta, Georgia) Wolf vs Ramsey Civil Action File No. 00-CIV-1187(JEC) (Blue Fibers)
1 A Yes.
2 Q Are considered to have probably been
3 involved in the death of their daughter?
4 A Probability, yes.
5 Q Has anyone else ever attained that status
6 of probably involved?
7 A No.
1 Q Okay. Is there a difference between being
2 officially cleared and being unofficially cleared? I
3 thought earlier you told me that Wolf had not been
4 cleared. Are you telling me that he has been
5 unofficially cleared but not officially cleared?
6 A Well, I think the problem comes in
7 semantics and people use that term differently and
8 some detectives may use those words. If you're
9 asking me is he cleared, I would say -- tell you no.
10 I would tell anybody no. We haven't cleared anybody
11 in this case until we solve it. Then everybody
12 except the person responsible is cleared at that
13 point.