June 1998 Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Thomas Haney and Trip DeMuth (Flashlight)
2 TOM HANEY: Okay. The next group of photos
3 and these are not numbered --
4 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
5 TOM HANEY: -- but they show flashlight.
6 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
7 TOM HANEY: A black metal string light
8 type --
9 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
10 TOM HANEY: -- flashlight. Do you
11 recognize that?
12 PATSY RAMSEY: It looks similar to one that
13 John Andrew gave John for Christmas, birthday or
14 something.
15 TOM HANEY: Okay. Do you recall when it
16 was he gave it to him or...
17 PATSY RAMSEY: Not exactly, unh-unh (no).
18 Although it looks kind of dirty there. I mean,
19 if I remember --
20 TOM HANEY: It looks different?
22 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay. Describe how it looks
23 different.
24 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, the one that I
25 remember John having was pretty slick black, you
1 know, and that looks kind of smudgy or gray or
2 something.
3 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay. That's been processed,
4 so it has been changed.
5 PATSY RAMSEY: Oh, okay.
6 TRIP DeMUTH: Other than that, do you
7 notice any differences from...
8 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
9 TRIP DeMUTH: That's similar to the one
10 that John Andrew gave John?
11 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah, uh-huh (yes).
12 TRIP DeMUTH: And I think last time when
13 you were here on last April --
14 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
15 TRIP DeMUTH: -- you said where that was
16 stored.
17 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
18 TRIP DeMUTH: And I wanted to clarify that
19 a little bit. Do you remember where it was
20 stored?
21 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, the best I recall it
22 was in like one of those junk drawers there in
23 the bar area.
24 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay. And I wanted to flip
25 back to photo 380, right there.
1 PATSY RAMSEY: Right, yeah, one of those
2 drawers.
3 TRIP DeMUTH: One of the drawers that's
4 depicted in 380?
6 TRIP DeMUTH: Do you remember which drawer?
7 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I, I most recently
8 remember it being, you know, right in this
9 drawer.
10 TRIP DeMUTH: The drawer that is open?
11 PATSY RAMSEY: That's open there, yeah.
12 TRIP DeMUTH: And that's the wet bar that's
13 by the spiral staircase, right?
15 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay. Okay. And now looking
16 at photo 380, you don't see a flashlight in
17 there, right?
18 PATSY RAMSEY: Correct.
19 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay.
20 PATSY RAMSEY: Where was this flashlight
21 found?
22 TRIP DeMUTH: Well, do you remember when
23 you came in on, in April, they showed you a
24 picture of the flashlight? Do you recall that?
25 You may not.
1 PATSY RAMSEY: No, not exactly.
2 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay. This was on the
3 kitchen counter?
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June 1998 Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Thomas Haney and Trip DeMuth (Flashlight)
5 TRIP DeMUTH: We don't have a picture of
6 that, do we.
7 TOM HANEY: No. It's in the video, I
8 believe, but I don't...
9 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
10 TOM HANEY: I don't remember one.
11 TRIP DeMUTH: You know, it's, if I can try
12 to describe it, you know, if you're coming from
13 the front door and you're going through your
14 kitchen --
15 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).
16 TRIP DeMUTH: -- and you've kind of got
17 that first nook or whatever you call it?
18 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah, right.
19 TRIP DeMUTH: And if you're looking towards
20 that nook area, it would be sort of on the left
21 island area, kind of in that area.
23 TRIP DeMUTH: Does that make sense to you?
24 PATSY RAMSEY: It doesn't make sense to me.
25 I mean, like I said, usually it was kept in that
1 drawer in there.
2 TRIP DeMUTH: Uh-huh (yes).
3 PATSY RAMSEY: No, I don't know.
4 TRIP DeMUTH: Why would that be out?
5 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know.
6 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay. I notice you have
7 cameras out and other things.
8 PATSY RAMSEY: I'm not a very good
9 housekeeper.
10 TRIP DeMUTH: There was a video camera, I
11 think, on that kitchen island there or something
12 like that. I may not have that exactly.
13 PATSY RAMSEY: I vaguely remember a video
14 camera being out because I was probably turning
15 it up to take pictures Christmas morning but
16 then we never ended up taking any.
17 TRIP DeMUTH: Uh-huh (yes). Did you guys
18 use this flashlight much?
19 PATSY RAMSEY: I didn't, no.
20 TRIP DeMUTH: Who did?
21 PATSY RAMSEY: John used it.
22 TRIP DeMUTH: What did he use it for?
23 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know, looking in the
24 garage and the car or something like that.
25 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay. Had you ever seen it
1 on the kitchen counter before?
2 PATSY RAMSEY: Not that I recall.
3 TRIP DeMUTH: Would it have struck you as
4 unusual, or would that not be outside the realm
5 of possibilities, given the habits of the
6 family?
7 PATSY RAMSEY: It seems like it would have
8 been unusual to have made it all the way into
9 the kitchen, because usually if somebody was
10 using the flashlight, they were -- John was
11 looking at something in the garage or under the
12 car or something like that.
13 TRIP DeMUTH: Okay.
14 PATSY RAMSEY: But he might, you know, I'm
15 sure you must have asked him if he...
16 TOM HANEY: And maybe I missed it, do you
17 know when you last saw it in the drawer?
18 PATSY RAMSEY: No, I'm not for sure.
19 TOM HANEY: Do you remember ever putting
20 batteries in it or buying batteries for it,
21 somebody says woop, the flashlight is low, get
22 us some --
24 TOM HANEY: -- C, D cells?
25 PATSY RAMSEY: No, it just kind of wasn't
1 my, my thing, you know.
2 TOM HANEY: Okay. How about, do you recall
3 of using that during say a power outage or to
4 check on the kids at night, anything along those
5 lines?
6 PATSY RAMSEY: No, I don't remember that.
7 TOM HANEY: There are two more photos on
8 the back sides of the same flashlight.