June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane (Question on the S.B.T.C)
14 done, I have run numbers and letters, I have
15 tried to figure code. I have looked in the
16 bible extensively for that reference. Talked to
17 people who know a lot more about the bible than
18 I do. The only thing I have heard that makes
19 sense are that it's star-based technical
20 command, was a term on I think Star Trek, one of
21 those, Star Wars, Star Trek, I think, which kind
22 of fits the movie theme.
23 You know, this freak had a passion
24 for movies. Or Sanibel and, whatever her name
25 was, Claus, or the T could have possibly been a
1 J, Sanibel or Janet Claus. But the T would have
2 had to have really been a J, that's the only
3 thing.
4 Then there was a guy early on that
5 was going to believe that had a tee shirt that
6 was Santa Barbara Tennis Club and I checked, and
7 there was a Santa Barbara Tennis Club and but
8 other than that I don't have a clue what means.
9 LOU SMIT: You said you looked at
10 a biblical theme. In what sense?
11 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, just because we
12 had heard there were psalms circled, possible
13 118 being 118th psalm and there was some, I
14 think some interesting things there. So I tried
15 to just take it another step, does SBTC mean
16 anything in the bible. I couldn't.
17 MIKE KANE: Did you do some
18 research yourself in that regard?
20 MIKE KANE: What kinds of things
21 were you looking in the bible for?
22 JOHN RAMSEY: Any time I pick
23 up the bible I look in the index. I read
24 passages, I read thinking does that stand for
25 anything. You know, looked in the dictionary.
1 I looked it up on the Internet, there is a Web
2 site called SBTC, it's a little bit bizarre, as
3 far as I could tell.
4 MIKE KANE: Was that the one that's
5 the Small Business Technical Center that's on
6 the Internet -- had you ever --
7 JOHN RAMSEY: I saw that, I think
8 I saw that.
9 MIKE KANE: It's like a small
10 business trade organization?
11 JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah, I --
12 MIKE KANE: Access was never
13 involved in at all?
14 JOHN RAMSEY: No. So we would
15 have -- that's been puzzling to me from day
16 one.
. |
June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane (Question on the S.B.T.C)
7 LOU SMIT: I would like to show you
8 another photograph and this again is photograph
9 562 and this was also a photograph taken during
10 the crime scene investigation, and again I will
11 just hold this up to the camera. It shows a bag
12 and I would like you to identify that, if you
13 can.
14 JOHN RAMSEY: That's a plaque I got
15 when I was at the Naval base in Subic Bay late
16 60's, early 70's, I don't know if the date is
17 on. I was stationed there. It was hand carved
18 by Philippines, they had a lot of craftsmen that
19 could carve like that. I don't recall where it
20 was, it wasn't something that I had out.
21 LOU SMIT: Who else would have
22 known about that, because there has been a lot
23 of things said about Subic Bay training center,
24 things of that nature? What does that say on
25 there by the way?
1 JOHN RAMSEY: It says Lieutenant
2 J.P. Ramsey, PNBC, Subic, which is where I was
3 stationed. USNR, I think.
4 LOU SMIT: Does it say anything
5 about Subic Bay Training Center, does it have
6 initials on this?
7 JOHN RAMSEY: It's PWC, was the
8 public works center.
9 LOU SMIT: I see.
10 JOHN RAMSEY: U.S. Navy Public
11 Works Center, Subic Bay, Philippines. March
12 '68. October '70.
13 LOU SMIT: You have to speak a
14 little louder.
15 JOHN RAMSEY: I think it says
16 March 1968 to October 1970, CEC, which is Civil
17 Engineer Corps.
18 LOU SMIT: Do you know where you
19 kept that at home?
20 JOHN RAMSEY: It might have been
21 in my closet, in my dressing room, which is here
22 (indicating) in these closets up on a shelf,
23 perhaps.
24 LOU SMIT: In the study area?
25 JOHN RAMSEY: Right. Or it could
1 have been down here somewhere stored but --
2 LOU SMIT: Not displayed?
3 JOHN RAMSEY: I don't think so.
4 It wasn't -- it wasn't a big deal.