[ACandyRose Logo] A Personal view of the Internet Subculture
Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case

This web page is part of a series covering found materials regarding individuals, items or events that apparently became part of what is commonly known as the vortex of the JonBenet Ramsey murder case Christmas night 1996. The webmaster of this site claims no inside official Boulder police information as to who has been interviewed, investigated, the outcome or what information is actually considered official evidence. These pages outline found material which can include but not limited to materials found in books, articles, the Internet, transcripts, depositions, legal documents, Internet discussion forums, graphics or photos, media reports, TV/Radio shows about the JonBenet Ramsey murder case. Found materials are here for historical archive purposes. (www.acandyrose.com - acandyrose@aol.com)
This webpage series is for historical archive and educational purposes on found materials

[JonBenet: Anatomy Of A Cold Case]
Screen Capture from Court TV's
"JonBenet: Anatomy Of A Cold Case

Victory !



1997-04-30: Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Steve Thomas, Tom Trujillo

Patsy Ramsey Interrogation by Steve Thomas, Tom Trujillo
Also present, Pat Burke, Bryan Morgan, Pete Hoffstrom, Jon Foster
April 30, 1997 - Boulder, Colorado


ST: Okay. I certainly have chased leads far and wide on SBTC and has that, and over the last four months, brought anything to mind?
PR: No.
ST: Have you had any time to think of any theories of significance of what that acronym uh, might relate to? I’ve heard everything from Smyrna Bank and Trust, Southern Bell telephone Company to uh, everything under the sun, uh, any thoughts on that Patsy?
PR: I mean, I have racked my brain, I mean, if you say, is, have I spent any time on this, I have, you know, I can, I don’t have a clue what that is.
ST: Can you throw anything, you can’t throw anything out on the table for what that might be a .
PR: (Inaudible)

ST: You mom thinks it’s son of a bitch Tom Carson.
PR: (Inaudible)
ST: It certainly was, you know, thoroughly checked Tom Carson out. . .
PR: Um hum.
ST: . . .but. . .

PR: Yeah, she told me that too.
ST: Was there a problem with Tom Carson and John Ramsey.
PR: Not that I’m aware of um, that, you know might be something you can ask him.
ST: Um hum.
PR: . . .I, you know, I just really don’t know much about what goes on at work.



[John Ramsey, June 1998 Interviews]1998-06-23: John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane
(Screen Capture from "CBS 48 Hours Investigates - Searching for a Killer" 10/04/2002)

John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane
Present also were Bryan Morgan, PI David Williams
June 23, 24, 25, 1998 - Boulder, Colorado


June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane (Question on the S.B.T.C)

14 done, I have run numbers and letters, I have
15 tried to figure code. I have looked in the
16 bible extensively for that reference. Talked to
17 people who know a lot more about the bible than

18 I do. The only thing I have heard that makes
19 sense are that it's star-based technical
20 command, was a term on I think Star Trek, one of
21 those, Star Wars, Star Trek, I think, which kind
22 of fits the movie theme.
23 You know, this freak had a passion
24 for movies. Or Sanibel and, whatever her name
25 was, Claus, or the T could have possibly been a

1 J, Sanibel or Janet Claus. But the T would have
2 had to have really been a J, that's the only
3 thing.
4 Then there was a guy early on that
5 was going to believe that had a tee shirt that
6 was Santa Barbara Tennis Club and I checked, and
7 there was a Santa Barbara Tennis Club and but
8 other than that I don't have a clue what means.

9 LOU SMIT: You said you looked at
10 a biblical theme. In what sense?
11 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, just because we
12 had heard there were psalms circled, possible
13 118 being 118th psalm and there was some, I
14 think some interesting things there. So I tried
15 to just take it another step, does SBTC mean
16 anything in the bible. I couldn't.
17 MIKE KANE: Did you do some
18 research yourself in that regard?
20 MIKE KANE: What kinds of things
21 were you looking in the bible for?
22 JOHN RAMSEY: Any time I pick
23 up the bible I look in the index. I read
24 passages, I read thinking does that stand for
25 anything. You know, looked in the dictionary.


1 I looked it up on the Internet, there is a Web
2 site called SBTC, it's a little bit bizarre, as
3 far as I could tell.
4 MIKE KANE: Was that the one that's
5 the Small Business Technical Center that's on
6 the Internet -- had you ever --
7 JOHN RAMSEY: I saw that, I think
8 I saw that.

9 MIKE KANE: It's like a small
10 business trade organization?
11 JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah, I --
12 MIKE KANE: Access was never
13 involved in at all?
14 JOHN RAMSEY: No. So we would
15 have -- that's been puzzling to me from day
16 one.



June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane (Question on the S.B.T.C)

7 LOU SMIT: I would like to show you
8 another photograph and this again is photograph
9 562 and this was also a photograph taken during
10 the crime scene investigation, and again I will
11 just hold this up to the camera. It shows a bag
12 and I would like you to identify that, if you
13 can.
14 JOHN RAMSEY: That's a plaque I got
15 when I was at the Naval base in Subic Bay late
16 60's, early 70's, I don't know if the date is
17 on. I was stationed there. It was hand carved
18 by Philippines, they had a lot of craftsmen that
19 could carve like that. I don't recall where it
20 was, it wasn't something that I had out.
21 LOU SMIT: Who else would have
22 known about that, because there has been a lot
23 of things said about Subic Bay training center,
24 things of that nature? What does that say on
25 there by the way?

1 JOHN RAMSEY: It says Lieutenant
2 J.P. Ramsey, PNBC, Subic, which is where I was
3 stationed. USNR, I think.
4 LOU SMIT: Does it say anything
5 about Subic Bay Training Center, does it have
6 initials on this?
7 JOHN RAMSEY: It's PWC, was the
8 public works center.
9 LOU SMIT: I see.
10 JOHN RAMSEY: U.S. Navy Public
11 Works Center, Subic Bay, Philippines. March
12 '68. October '70.
13 LOU SMIT: You have to speak a
14 little louder.
15 JOHN RAMSEY: I think it says
16 March 1968 to October 1970, CEC, which is Civil
17 Engineer Corps.
18 LOU SMIT: Do you know where you
19 kept that at home?
20 JOHN RAMSEY: It might have been
21 in my closet, in my dressing room, which is here
22 (indicating) in these closets up on a shelf,
23 perhaps.
24 LOU SMIT: In the study area?
25 JOHN RAMSEY: Right. Or it could

1 have been down here somewhere stored but --
2 LOU SMIT: Not displayed?
3 JOHN RAMSEY: I don't think so.
4 It wasn't -- it wasn't a big deal.


[Perfect Murder, Perfect Town]1999-02-18: “Perfect Murder, Perfect Town, JonBenet and the City of Boulder”
Written by Lawrence Schiller, February 18, 1999

PMPT Page 212

"When The Denver Post reported that negotiations were taking place for the Ramseys to be interviewed, John Eller immediately told Pete Hofstrom that he suspected leaks to the media were coming from the DA's staff. The cord tied loosely around JonBenet's right wrist, the near-perfect match of Ramsey's bonus to the ransom amount demanded, the inclusion of the acronym SBTC in the ransom note, and the fact

PMPT Page 213

that the killer seemed to have wiped JonBenet's body with a cloth-all this confidential information had ended up in print. The police, Eller insisted, hadn't leaked anything.

When the press heard about Eller's accusations, they weren't surprised.
In mid-January, Charlie Brennan of the Rocky Mountain News had discovered from an Access Graphics employee that people close to Ramsey were being asked to give handwriting samples containing the acronym SBTC. It was significant because when Ramsey was in the military, he was stationed at Subic Bay in the Philippines. Some investigators thought that. SBTC might be a reference to Subic Bay Training Center, although that was not the name the facility was known by.

Still, Brennan had a hunch that the ransom note might contain the acronym, and he asked Hunter's office for a confirmation before publishing the story. A member of the DA's staff confirmed the fact.
By John Eller's standards, that was a leak."


PMPT Page 258

"Then the detectives asked me about the Bible on John's desk in the bedroom. The cover was embossed JOHN AND PATSY RAMSEY. Sometimes it was by the bed. It was always being read. I know because I never had to dust it. I told the police that I never saw it open, it always had a bookmark in it.

I don't remember if I told them about the large photograph John had of an aircraft carrier. On the bottom of the picture in fancy writing were the words Subic Bay Training Center. The script was faint because it blended in with the Water, so the words were hard to read. It used to hang behind his desk in the bedroom.

-Linda Wilcox"

[www.justicewatch.com]1999-04-01: Justice Watch Forum thread, "Jim Marino on the Subic Bay Plaque"

"Jim Marino on the Subic Bay Plaque"
Posted by Starling on Apr-01-99 at 01:40 PM (EST)

Is this "plaque" a small business award or is it a Subic Bay plaque? Was it over the desk or was it found hidden in a basement closet?

If it was found hidden, whose fingerprints are on it - or was it wiped down?

How does Jim Marino know the precise wall where this plaque was hanging? Did John tell him? When did the Ramsey's notice the plaque off of the wall? Why did John Ramsey "laugh" when Marino asked "why would you point to yourself?"

Ah! But if the plaque was found in a closet - doesn't it appear someone removed it - so that investigators wouldn't draw that conclusion?

Where was Mr. Ramsey's desk? Was it in the den? In the same general area where mysterious lights were seen? The same generalized location a flood light was turned off? The same place a blue robe was found? What other evidence came out of this room?


Geraldo September 25, 1997

Mr. MARINO: Yeah, John or Patsy knows how to spell business,' I guarantee you. There's two S's in business.' The--and I saw--said to John--I said, at the end of it, it says--points to SBTC, which apparently is Subic Bay Tr--Training Center. There's a...

RIVERA: Where John was stationed during the Navy.

Mr. MARINO: Right. There's a plaque on his wall. If you sit at his desk, you can see the plaque. So someone sat at this desk and wrote this note, apparently. I asked John--I said, Why would you point to yourself?' And he just laughed, 'cause it's ridiculous. The--the er--all the evidence points to him, so whoever did this wanted the evidence to point to him.



[JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation]2000-04-11: “JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation”
by Steve Thomas and Don Davis, April 11, 2000

ST Page 90

"Nedra gave us some two dozen suspects off the top of her head, and when we asked if the initials SBTC meant anything to her, she snapped, 'Yes. Son of a bitch Tom Carson.' Years before, Carson, the current chief financial officer at Access Graphics, had been involved in Nedra's dismissal from the company."

[ABC News 20/20]2000-04-13: Steve Thomas Chat on ABC Good Morning America

Moderator at 12:07pm ET:
Dana T writes: "Do you have any theories behind what S.B.T.C. signifies?"

Steve Thomas at 12:08pm ET:
"You know, we searched high and low, far and wide, and heard everything from "Saved By The Cross" to Ramsey's own suggestion of "Star Base Technical Command," but were never definitively able to attach a source to that acronym. However, an open Bible on Ramsey's desk in the house, NIV version, Psalms 35-36, verses 1-4, contains the acrostic SBTC, backwards."


[Crime News 2000 Forum]2001-01-25: From CrimeNews 2000 Forum thread,
"FOUND: Another piece to the puzzle"

1/25/01 09:10 PM
FOUND: Another piece to the puzzle. [Post#: 2207 ]

The ransom note contains at least one movie reference, ("don't try to grow a brain" is from the movie "Speed".) There are possibly two additional obscure movie references in the note.

Who would include movie references in a ransom note? Obviously a movie buff would. John Ramsey is a movie buff. The inventory list of items removed from the Ramsey house lists many video tapes, and Donald Foster even examined them while working for the BPD. (ITMI - p.281) -- BUT, more importantly, along with being a movie buff, John Ramsey is a Star Trek fan.

John Ramsey's pet name for those who think he and Patsy are guilty is, "the BORG". The "Borg" are a notorious arch-villain in both the Star Trek TV series, and at least one Star Trek Movie.

Besides referencing Star Trek characters in his speech and his tome, "Death of Innocence", John Ramsey even decorated his home with Star Trek and other movie memorabilia. This is from Schiller's book "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town", (page 84):

"On one wall were three framed movie posters: Star Trek, Somewhere in Time, and a third poster of Spencer Tracy and Frank Sinatra in The Devil at 4 O'clock. Leaning against the wall was a poster of Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile."

John Ramsey has given too much of himself away. Because I now believe John actually used his interest in Star Trek to create the entire scenario for the kidnapping cover-up.

On November 22, 1996 the movie "STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT" was released in theaters across the country. Star Trek fans across the country were eagerly anticipating its release, and in all probability it would have been playing on multiple screens in Boulder as it was everywhere else. It went on to gross over 120 million dollars.

This is a portion of the movie's script posted on a Star Trek web page:

While Picard is trekking his way through the intricate maze of Jeffries Tubes, trying his best to stay one step ahead of the ever-pursuing Borg, Picard is suddenly caught from behind by Lily Sloane, who has fashioned a makeshift garrote and is using it to strangle Picard. Picard assures her that he is not associated with any faction and that she must trust him and do as he says.

The actual dialog from that scene in the movie:

Lily Sloane: Who are you?!
Picard: My name is Jean-Luc Picard.
Lily Sloane: No, who are you with, what faction?!
Picard: I'm not with the Eastern Coalition.
Picard: There's a new faction that wants to prevent your launch tomorrow.

Now, not only is an additional movie reference tied into the ransom note in the form of the word "faction", but that word is actually tied to the use of a "makeshift garrote" in a movie that John Ramsey would have had easy access to in Boulder, and as a Star Trek fan, probably couldn't wait to see.

I will be forwarding this information to Mark Beckner tomorrow along with the information KrayonC discovered on the Subic Bay pedophile market.

Just a couple more nails in the Ramsey coffin...

1/26/01 09:30 AM
Related [Post#: 2221 / re: 2216 ]

From the evidence inventory lists:

BAH15--Two video cassettes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH19--One video cassette--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH22--One VHS video tape--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH24--One Betamax video tape--Boulder 12/29/96 11:00 p.m.)
BAH25--One video tape--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH26--One VHS tape--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH30--One Betamax video tape--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH50--One video cassette--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH55--One cassette tape (video?)--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH67--One VHS tape--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH70--Twenty-two video tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH71--Ten video tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
BAH78--Twenty video tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB02--VHS videotape 12-31-96--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB03--VHS videotape 12-31-96--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB05--VHS video tapes 12-31-96--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB06--VHS videotapes 12-31-96--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB09--Fifteen VHS tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB10--Nine VHS tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB11--Seventeen VHS tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB12--Thirteen VHS tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB13--Four (five) VHS tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB14--One VHS tape--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
JRB21--Two VCR tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
KKY77--Ten video tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
KKY78--Seven VHS tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
KKY88--Seven VHS videotapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
KKY89--One VHS tape--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
KKY90--Three VHS tapes--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
KRV17--One video cassette tape--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)
MTE13--Video from Hallway--Boulder 12/29/96 (11:00 p.m.)

Over 160 video tapes.
And an additional Star Trek reference taken from a recipe for preparing "Tribble" (Apparently a favorite delicacy of the "Klingon" race.):

Star Trek : Klingon Academy.
As featured in the Klingon Galactica Encyclopedia: "First one must garrote the accursed beast across its torso and bleed it dry.*

(*Not related to the movie, possibly from an episode on the TV series.)
[credit to janab on JW, who compiled the tape list]

1/26/01 12:49 PM
It gets even better! [Post#: 2223 / re: 2221 ]

Censusgrrl on JW has found the following:

(From the Good Morning America chat with Steve Thomas.)

Dana T writes: "Do you have any theories behind what S.B.T.C. signifies?"

Steve Thomas: You know, we searched high and low, far and wide, and heard everything from "Saved By The Cross" to Ramsey's own suggestion of "Star Base Technical Command," but were never definitively able to attach a source to that acronym.

And guess what... "Star Base 118 is the home base for the Star Trek space ships, and what they call the "United Federation Of Planets".


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