2003-06-30: From www.webbsleuths.com Forum, Thread titled, "Message from B- Charlevoix events"
unregistered user
Jun-30-03, 09:44 PM (EST)
"Message from B- Charlevoix events"
B cannot post due to computer glitch but she has emailed me back and has the following message:
From B
It was newer suitcase, boots were beside it. Room was girlish and frilly and not geared towards a male guest. House had a guest room on main floor.
Housekeeper was not informed of guest staying midweek-John's brother arriving on the weekend. Housekeeper made a walk thru after wine party and found Suitcase which contained very neatly folded undershirts and personal clothing. Bed was slept "ON" not "IN", as stated. Coverlet was disturbed as if someone rested but sheets were not slept in. No other rooms were disturbed. It was not a vagrant, he was too neat.
Ramsey friends had a wine and cheese party there -cowboy boots man was there on a Tuesday/Wednesday-cleaning ladies there to check wine stain on Thursday and found boots. Called Ramsey home in Co and left message about wine stain from their Chx home. Left word about unknown guest. Message was never rec'd by the Ramsey's.
Additionally in Late Fall of 96 there was a man hanging out at the local Shell station going on about Co. and brought up John's name, talked about skating. Wore a long coat. Well groomed, did not drive, had lot's of cash. Wheelchair guy driver tried to contact Ramsey family after JonBenet's death in regard's to a person he picked up fleeing out there front yard who wanted a ride to the airport.
Husband of one of the housecleaners worked at Shell station and reported this to Ramsey investigators in Feb 97. Just strange occurrences that all need to be tied together. Hindsight...............
You can cut and paste this in if you want. I can't post, computer has a glitch apparently.
Member since Jun-29-03
1 posts Jul-01-03, 08:02 AM (EST)
4. "RE: Gas Station Guy"
In response to message #3
HI everyone! Jams finally figured out what the problem was and we got it fixed after months of not be able to post! Thank you Jameson! I have felt disconnected.
All the events that happened here are probably related but how?
The guy at the gas station would not have known the cashier was the husband of one of the housekeepers, it was not known really as it was a temp job. He did do a sketch with the original Ramsey investigators in the spring of 97 but noone knows where it is, probably in one of the many boxes shipped to Lin Wood. Ramseys have never seen it.
BPD came to the house three times I believe and never once dusted JonBenet's room here, even after they knew about cowboy guy, never took bedding, did not seal room. Another close friend and I were the ones who got the house ready for Ramsey June arrival(not housekeepers) in 97 and I should have bagged the bedding, I didn't as I thought the police knew what they were doing. I wish I had.
Wheelchair guy is pretty much incapacitated now, noone to my knowledge has ever questioned him thoroughly. He lives near me somewhere but I have been told he isn't doing well.
unregistered user
Jul-01-03, 08:59 AM (EST)
10. "RE: B and CHX"
In response to message #8
No there is no record in Chx, as statements were made by BPD request, on a questionaire and sent to BPD. All the housekeepers have their copies. Copies given to Ramsey investigators by them.
unregistered user
Jul-01-03, 09:58 PM (EST)
21. "Candy"
In response to message #16
They were done at the Sheriff's station on a questionairre provided by the BPD. Not at the police station. Sheriff Laseter took the reports himself. The guy fleeing the house was never reported and either was the gas station guy as he wasn't menacing. The cowboy boot was not reported until Jan 97 to the Sheriff. BPD would have the originals. Housekeepers all have their copies. Housekeeper made contact witht he sheriff not the other way around.
unregistered user
Jul-01-03, 10:05 PM (EST)
22. "Charlevoix"
In response to message #21
Just for the record I know Chief Halverson here well. I also want to tell you we protect our own and anyone who called about the Ramsey case were probably not taken seriously unless it was another police officer or investigator.There were too many tabloids here in the beginning so it has made us all wary of people wanting info. Chx has been a safe place for them and will continue to be so. As I stated it was not at the city police dept so sorry if you went on a wild goose chase. Candy I don't want to argue and I just got to be able to post after months of frustration of not being able too. If the DA wants a copy of the reports he will get them. |